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Created on 04/04/2016
@author: MMPE
from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient
from wetb.utils.cluster_tools import pbswrap
import multiprocessing
import psutil
class Resource(object):
class LocalResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, process_name):
self.process_name = process_name
self.no_users = 1 = 'Localhost'
def check_resources(self):
def name(i):
return psutil.Process(i).name
except psutil._error.AccessDenied:
no_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
cpu_free = (1 - psutil.cpu_percent(.5) / 100) * no_cpu
no_current_process = len([i for i in psutil.get_pid_list() if name(i) == self.process_name])
return no_cpu, cpu_free, no_current_process
def ok2submit(self):
total, free, user = self.check_resources()
minimum_cpus = total * 1 / self.no_users
if user < minimum_cpus and free > 2:
return True
return False
class PBSClusterResource(Resource, SSHClient):
def __init__(self, host, username, password, port=22):
SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
self.no_users = 20
def new_ssh_connection(self):
return SSHClient(, self.username, self.password, self.port)
def check_resources(self):
with self:
_, output, _ = self.execute('pbsnodes -l all')
pbsnodes, nodes = pbswrap.parse_pbsnode_lall(output.split("\n"))
_, output, _ = self.execute('qstat -n1')
users, host, nodesload = pbswrap.parse_qstat_n1(output.split("\n"))
# if the user does not have any jobs, this will not exist
cpu_user = users[self.username]['cpus']
cpu_user += users[self.username]['Q']
except KeyError:
cpu_user = 0
cpu_free, nodeSum = pbswrap.count_cpus(users, host, pbsnodes)
return nodeSum['used_cpu'] + cpu_free, cpu_free, cpu_user
def ok2submit(self):
total, free, user = self.check_resources()
minimum_cpus = total * 1 / self.no_users
if user < minimum_cpus:
return True
elif free > minimum_cpus * 4:
return True
return False
# Author: David Verelst -
# Version: 0.10 - 15/03/2010
# Version: 0.11 - 13/04/2010 : adding nodes down, offline to the total
# overview of available nodes
# version: 0.20 - 17/11/2011 : major rewrite, support added for gorm
# version: 0.30 - 19/12/2012 : refactoring, added the node overview
# version: 0.40 - 26/03/2014 : removed Thyra, added support for Jess
import os
import socket
def print_dashboard(users, host, pbsnodes):
# print nicely
# the header
# ---------------------------------------------
# User Running Queued Waiting Other
# ---------------------------------------------
# jber 3 0 0 0
print ('-' * 54)
print ('cpus'.rjust(18) + 'nodes'.rjust(9))
print ('User'.rjust(9) + 'Running'.rjust(9) + 'Running'.rjust(9) \
+ 'Queued'.rjust(9) + 'Waiting'.rjust(9) + 'Other'.rjust(9))
# nodeSum: overview (summation of all jobs) nodes per user:
# nodeSum = [running, queued, waiting, other, cpus]
nodeSum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
print ('-' * 54)
# print all values in the table: the nodes used per user
#userlist = users['users'].keys()
for uid in sorted(users):
# or get the unique nodes the user is on
R = len(users[uid]['nodes'])
except KeyError:
# means it is not running yet but queued, waiting or otherwise
R = users[uid]['R']
Q = users[uid]['Q']
W = users[uid]['W']
O = users[uid]['E'] + users[uid]['H'] + users[uid]['T'] \
+ users[uid]['S'] + users[uid]['O'] + users[uid]['C']
cpus = users[uid]['cpus']
print (uid.rjust(9) + str(cpus).rjust(9) + str(R).rjust(9) \
+ str(Q).rjust(9) + str(W).rjust(9) + str(O).rjust(9))
nodeSum[0] += R
nodeSum[1] += Q
nodeSum[2] += W
nodeSum[3] += O
nodeSum[4] += cpus
nr_nodes = pbsnodes['nr_nodes']
down = pbsnodes['down']
others = pbsnodes['others']
total_cpu = host['cpu_per_node'] * nr_nodes
# the summed up for each node status (queued, running,...)
print ('-' * 54)
print ('total'.rjust(9) + str(nodeSum[4]).rjust(9) + str(nodeSum[0]).rjust(9) \
+ str(nodeSum[1]).rjust(9) + str(nodeSum[2]).rjust(9)\
+ str(nodeSum[3]).rjust(9))
print ('-' * 54)
print ('free'.rjust(9) + str(total_cpu - nodeSum[4]).rjust(9) \
+ str(nr_nodes - nodeSum[0] - others - down).rjust(9))
print ('down'.rjust(9) + str(down).rjust(18))
print ('-' * 54)
def print_node_loading(users, host, nodes, nodesload):
Give an overview of how each node is loaded
if len(host) < 1:
print ('It is very quit, nobody is working on the cluster.')
hostname = host['name']
cpunode = host['cpu_per_node']
# print a header
if hostname == 'gorm':
print ('-' * 79)
header = '|'.join([str(k).center(5) for k in range(1, 13, 1)]) + '|'
print ('id'.center(5), header)
print ('-' * 79)
elif hostname == 'jess':
print ('-' * 126)
header = '|'.join([str(k).center(5) for k in range(1, 21, 1)]) + '|'
print ('id'.center(5), header)
print ('-' * 126)
# print who is using the nodes
for node in sorted(nodes):
status = nodes[node]
# now we have a list of user on this node
users = sorted(nodesload[node])
for kk in range(len(users), cpunode):
# limit uid names to 5 characters
printlist = '|'.join([k[:5].center(5) for k in users]) + '|'
# if it doesn't exist in the nodesload, just print the status
except KeyError:
printlist =
print (node, printlist)
# print a header
if hostname == 'gorm':
print ('-' * 79)
print ('id'.center(5), header)
print ('-' * 79)
elif hostname == 'jess':
print ('-' * 126)
print ('id'.center(5), header)
print ('-' * 126)
def parse_pbsnode_lall(output):
# read the qstat output
frees, exclusives, others, down = 0, 0, 0, 0
nr_nodes = 0
nodes = {}
for k in output:
if len(k) > 2:
line = k.split()
status = line[1]
node = line[0].split('.')[0]
if node.startswith('v-'):
#host = 'valde'
# uglye monkey patch: ignore any valde nodes
#elif node.startswith('g-'):
#host = 'gorm'
#elif node.startswith('th-'):
#host = 'thyra'
if status == 'free':
frees += 1
nr_nodes += 1
elif status == 'job-exclusive':
exclusives += 1
nr_nodes += 1
elif status == 'down,offline':
down += 1
elif status == 'offline':
down += 1
elif status == 'down':
down += 1
others += 1
nodes[node] = status
#check = frees + exclusives + down + others
pbsnodes = {'frees' : frees, 'nr_nodes' : nr_nodes, 'others' : others,
'exclusives' : exclusives, 'down' : down}
return pbsnodes, nodes
def parse_qstat_n1(output):
Parse the output of qstat -n1
# for global node usage, keep track of how many processes are running on
# each of the nodes
nodesload = {}
# store it all in dictionaries
host = {}
users = {}
# get the hostname
hostname = output[1]
if hostname[:5] == 'g-000':
host['name'] = 'gorm'
host['cpu_per_node'] = 12
# 272 nodes are 2 x 10 core (twenty) processors
host['name'] = 'jess'
#total_nodes = 80
host['cpu_per_node'] = 20
# take the available nodes in nr_nodes: it excludes the ones
# who are down
#queue['_total_cpu_'] = cpu_node*nr_nodes
for line in output[5:]: # first 5 are not relevant
if line == "":
items = line.split()
queue = items[2]
# uglye monkey patch: ignore any valde nodes
if queue == 'valdeq':
jobid = items[0]
# valid line starts with the jobid, which is an int
jobid = jobid.split('.')[0]
userid = items[1]
# nr nodes used by the job
job_nodes = int(items[5])
# status of the job
job_status = items[9]
# is the user already in the queue dict?
users[userid][job_status] += job_nodes
# if the user wasn't added before, create the sub dictionaries
except KeyError:
# initialise the users dictionary and job list
users[userid] = dict()
users[userid]['C'] = 0
users[userid]['E'] = 0
users[userid]['H'] = 0
users[userid]['Q'] = 0
users[userid]['R'] = 0
users[userid]['T'] = 0
users[userid]['W'] = 0
users[userid]['S'] = 0
users[userid]['O'] = 0
users[userid]['cpus'] = 0
users[userid]['jobs'] = []
users[userid]['nodes'] = set()
# set the values
users[userid][job_status] += job_nodes
if job_status == 'R':
# each occurance of the node name is seprated by a + and
# indicates a process running on a CPU of that node
nodes = items[11].split('+')
# TODO: take into account cpu number for jess: j-304/5
# on jess, the cpu number of the node is indicated, ignore for now
if host['name'].startswith('jess'):
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
nodes[i] = node.split('/')[0]
# keep track of the number of processes the user running
users[userid]['cpus'] += len(nodes)
# for the number of used nodes, keep track of the unique nodes used
# remember all the nodes the user is on in a dictionary
for node in nodes:
except KeyError:
nodesload[node] = [userid]
return users, host, nodesload
def count_cpus(users, host, pbsnodes):
See how many cpu's are actually free
nodeSum = {'R':0, 'Q':0, 'W':0, 'O':0, 'used_cpu':0, 'H':0}
for uid in users:
# or get the unique nodes the user is on
nodeSum['R'] = len(users[uid]['nodes'])
except KeyError:
# means it is not running yet but queued, waiting or otherwise
nodeSum['R'] = users[uid]['R']
nodeSum['Q'] += users[uid]['Q']
nodeSum['W'] += users[uid]['W']
nodeSum['H'] += users[uid]['H']
nodeSum['used_cpu'] += users[uid]['cpus']
nodeSum['O'] += users[uid]['E'] + users[uid]['T'] + users[uid]['S'] \
+ users[uid]['O'] + users[uid]['C']
# free cpus
down_cpu = host['cpu_per_node'] * pbsnodes['down']
total_cpu = host['cpu_per_node'] * pbsnodes['nr_nodes']
cpu_free = total_cpu - down_cpu - nodeSum['used_cpu']
return cpu_free, nodeSum
PBS_TEMP = """
### Standard Output
#PBS -N [jobname]
#PBS -o ./[pbs_out_file]
### Standard Error
#PBS -e ./[pbs_err_file]
#PBS -W umask=003
### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
#PBS -l walltime=[walltime]
#PBS -lnodes=[lnodes]:ppn=[ppn]
### Queue name
#PBS -q [queue]
### Browse to current working dir
### ===========================================================================
### set environment variables, activate python virtual environment, execute
### ===========================================================================
### wait for jobs to finish
# TODO: this is very similar compared to what happens in qsub-wrap
def create_input(walltime='00:59:59', queue='xpresq', pbs_in='pbs_in/', ppn=1,
pbs_out='pbs_out/', jobname=None, commands=None, lnodes=1):
Create a PBS script for a command. Optionally, define a python environment.
pbs_err_file = os.path.join(pbs_out, jobname + '.err')
pbs_out_file = os.path.join(pbs_out, jobname + '.out')
pbs_in_file = os.path.join(pbs_in, jobname + '.pbswrap')
pbs_script = PBS_TEMP
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[jobname]', jobname)
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[pbs_out_file]', pbs_out_file)
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[pbs_err_file]', pbs_err_file)
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[walltime]', walltime)
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[lnodes]', str(lnodes))
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[ppn]', str(ppn))
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[queue]', queue)
pbs_script = pbs_script.replace('[commands]', commands)
print ('following commands will be executed on the cluster:')
print ('%s' % (commands))
# make sure a pbs_in and pbs_out directory exists
if not os.path.exists(pbs_in):
if not os.path.exists(pbs_out):
# write the pbs_script
FILE = open(pbs_in_file, 'w')
return pbs_in_file
def test():
# sample output
FILE = open('tests/sampleoutput_pbsnodes', 'rb')
output = FILE.readlines()
pbsnodes, nodes = parse_pbsnode_lall(output)
# sample output
FILE = open('tests/sampleoutput_qstat', 'rb')
output = FILE.readlines()
users, host, nodesload = parse_qstat_n1(output)
print_node_loading(users, host, nodes, nodesload)
print_dashboard(users, host, pbsnodes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#command = 'pbsnodes -l all' # | cut -c 22-35
output = os.popen('pbsnodes -l all').readlines()
pbsnodes, nodes = parse_pbsnode_lall(output)
output = os.popen('qstat -n1').readlines()
users, host, nodesload = parse_qstat_n1(output)
print_node_loading(users, host, nodes, nodesload)
print_dashboard(users, host, pbsnodes)
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