Originally from [this page](http://reactorlab.net/resources-folder/matlab/P_to_M.html)
but modified to fix some errors and add more detail.
but modified to 1) be in markdown, 2) fix some errors, and 3) add more detail.
Python | Matlab
# numeric variables | % numeric variables
# are double precision by default | % are double precision by default
a = 5.0 | a = 5.0;
# repeat which assigns values to array elements |
# arrays are known as "lists" in Python | % array indexes start at 1 in Matlab
# array indexes start at 0 in Python | % indentation is for readability only
# structures are defined by indentation, no 'end' |
| for i=1:10
A = [] # initialize array A | A(i) = i;
This is very much a work in progress. This re-formatting is taking some time.
Python | Matlab
| ------------- |-------------|
numeric variables are double precision if decimal specified <br/> no semicolon needed to supress output <br/>`a = 5. # this is a float`<br/>`a = 5 # this is an int` | numeric variables are double precision by default <br/>`a = 5.0; % this is a double`
numeric arrays are objects defined in NumPy package <br/> indexes start at 0 in Python <br/> structures are defined by indentation, no 'end' <br/>`A = np.empty(10) # initialize array A`| array indexes start at 1 in Matlab <br/> indentation is for readability only <br/>`for i=1:10`<br/>` A(i) = i;`