"A wind turbine is, as you might expect, forced by the wind. To accurately model aerodynamics, you should include extra time-dependent variables to include phenomena such as dynamic stall, tower shadow, variable turbine speed, etc. For simplicity, we make the following assumptions: \n",
"* No dynamic inflow, dynamic stall, or tower shadow; \n",
"* Turbie's thrust coefficient can be directly calculated from the current wind speed; \n",
"* Turbie's thrust coefficient is constant for a simulation and can be calculated from the mean wind speed; \n",
"* The only aerodynamic forcing is on the blades; \n",
"* No spatial variation of turbulence.\n",
"With these assumptions, the aerodynamic forcing on the blades is given by \n",
"where $A$ is the rotor area and $u(t)$ is the wind speed at time $t$. The thrust coefficient $C_T(t)$ is determined from $u(t)$ using the look-up table defined above.\n",
"where $A$ is the rotor area and $u(t)$ is the wind speed at time $t$. The thrust coefficient $C_T$ is determined from the mean wind speed $U = \\overline{u(t)}$ using the look-up table defined above.\n",
"The full dynamical equations for Turbie are then given by\n",
Turbie is a simple, two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) system based of the DTU 10 MW Reference Wind Turbine. She is equivalent to the forced 2DOF mass-spring-damper system shown below, which is defined by a mass matrix, stiffness matrix, and damping matrix.
<imgsrc="figures/1-diagram.png"alt="Diagram of Turbie"style="width: 600px;"/>
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Here are two files that you can download with parameters for Turbie: :download:`download turbie_parameters.txt <turbie_parameters.txt>` and :download:`download CT.txt <CT.txt>`
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## Mass, stiffness and damping matrices
To derive Turbie's mass, stiffness and damping matrices, we make a few assumptions about our dynamical system:
* The turbine can only move in the fore-aft direction;
* The 3 blade deflections in the fore-aft direction are syncronized, i.e., only collective flapwise deflections.
With these assumptions, we have reduced Turbie to two degrees of freedom: the deflection of the blades in the fore-aft direction and the deflection of the nacelle in the fore-aft direction. The 2 DOFs of the system are therefore defined as
* $x_1(t)$: the deflection of the blades from their undeflected position in the global coordinate system;
* $x_2(t)$: the deflection of the nacelle from its undeflected position in the global coordinate system.
With these DOFs, Turbie is equivalent to a 2DOF mass-spring-damper system, as shown above, where Mass 1 represents the 3 blades and Mass 2 represents the combined effects of the nacelle, hub and tower.
**Exercise for the reader!** Given the diagram of the 2DOF mass, spring and damper system, derive the equations of motion and give the mass, stiffness and damping matrices.
The 2DOF mass-spring-damper system has the following system matrices:
Here is a table of relevant parameter values for Turbie,
Symbol |Decription |Value
$m_b$|Mass of a single blade|41 metric tons
$m_n$|Mass of the nacelle|446 metric tons
$m_t$|Mass of the tower|628 metric tons
$m_h$|Mass of the hub|105 metric tons
$c_1$|Equivalent damping of the blades|4208 N/(m/s)
$c_2$|Equivalent damping of the nacelle, hub and tower|12730 N/(m/s)
$k_1$|Equivalent stiffness of the blades|1711000 N/m
$k_2$|Equivalent stiffness of the nacelle, hub and tower|3278000 N/m
$D_{rotor}$|Rotor diameter|180 m
$\rho$|Air density|1.22 kg/m^3
and here is the thrust-coefficient look-up table:
Wind speed (m/s) | CT (-)
4.0 | 0.923
5.0 | 0.919
6.0 | 0.904
7.0 | 0.858
8.0 | 0.814
9.0 | 0.814
10.0 | 0.814
11.0 | 0.814
12.0 | 0.577
13.0 | 0.419
14.0 | 0.323
15.0 | 0.259
16.0 | 0.211
17.0 | 0.175
18.0 | 0.148
19.0 | 0.126
20.0 | 0.109
21.0 | 0.095
22.0 | 0.084
23.0 | 0.074
24.0 | 0.066
25.0 | 0.059
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## Dynamical equations
A wind turbine is, as you might expect, forced by the wind. To accurately model aerodynamics, you should include extra time-dependent variables to include phenomena such as dynamic stall, tower shadow, variable turbine speed, etc. For simplicity, we make the following assumptions:
* No dynamic inflow, dynamic stall, or tower shadow;
* Turbie's thrust coefficient can be directly calculated from the current wind speed;
* Turbie's thrust coefficient is constant for a simulation and can be calculated from the mean wind speed;
* The only aerodynamic forcing is on the blades;
* No spatial variation of turbulence.
With these assumptions, the aerodynamic forcing on the blades is given by
where $A$ is the rotor area and $u(t)$ is the wind speed at time $t$. The thrust coefficient $C_T(t)$ is determined from $u(t)$ using the look-up table defined above.
where $A$ is the rotor area and $u(t)$ is the wind speed at time $t$. The thrust coefficient $C_T$ is determined from the mean wind speed $U = \overline{u(t)}$ using the look-up table defined above.
The full dynamical equations for Turbie are then given by