Workshop 1: Introduction to Python
This is the first in a series of scientific Python lectures at Risø campus, Denmark Technical University.
To introduce new Python users to Python workflows. We assume that the majority of users are familiar with Matlab and/or Mathematica.
The workshop date and location will be announced internally at DTU Risø. Please use the contact information below for questions on the workshop contents or arranging a new workshop.
Topic outline
- What is Anaconda?
- Anaconda prompt
- Command-line Python
- Python vs. iPython console
- Installing new packages
- Creating and managing environments
- Spyder
- Jupyter
If you are attending the workshop, please do the following before attending:
- If you do not have Anaconda installed, please install it with Python 3.6
- If you have Anaconda installed, please either
a) have your root environment be Python 3.6, or
b) create an environment that has Python 3.6
Jenni Rinker