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Commit b233dd6d authored by Mads M. Pedersen's avatar Mads M. Pedersen
Browse files

added constraint_file

parent 7b4a9c09
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import numpy as np
import os
from wetb.hawc2.htc_file import HTCFile
class ConstraintFile(object):
def __init__(self, center_gl_xyz, box_transport_speed, no_grid_points=(4096, 32, 32), box_size=(6000, 100, 100)):
"""Generate list of constraints for turbulence constraint simulator
center_gl_xyz : (float, float, float)
Box front plane center position in global coordinates
box_transport_speed : float or int
Reference wind speed [m/s] (box transportation speed)
no_grid_points : [int, int, int]
Number of grid points in x,y,z direction of the turbulence box
box_size : [float, float, float]
Dimension(length) of box in x,y,z direction [m]
self.center_gl_xyz = center_gl_xyz
self.box_transport_speed = box_transport_speed
self.no_grid_points = no_grid_points
self.box_size = box_size
self.dxyz = [d / (n - 1) for d, n in zip(self.box_size, self.no_grid_points)]
self.constraints = {'u':[], 'v':[], 'w':[]}
def load(self, filename):
"""Load constraint from existing constraint file (usable for plotting constraints via time_series()"""
with open(filename) as fid:
lines = fid.readlines()
for l in lines:
values = l.split(";")
mx,my,mz= map(int, values[:3])
comp = values[3]#{"100":'u','010':'v','001':'w'}["".join(values[3:6])]
def add_constraints(self, glpos, tuvw, subtract_mean=True, fail_outside_box=True, nearest=True):
"""Add constraints to constraint file
glpos : (float or array_like, float or array_like, float or array_like)
global position(s), (x,y,z) of measurement point point(s)\n
x: horizontal left seen in direction of mean wind, y: direction of mean wind, z: vertical down\n
tuvw: array_like (shape: no_obs x (1+no_components))
time and u[, v[, w]] components of wind at measurement point\n
v and w components are optional\n
subtract_mean : boolean, optional
if True, default, the mean values are subtracted from u,v,w
fail_outside_box : boolean, optional
if True, default, an error is raised if any positions are outside the box\n
if False, mann coordinates modulo N is used
nearest : boolean, optional
if True, the wsp at the position closest to the mann grid point are applied\n
if False, the average of all the wsp, that map to the mann grid point are applied
nx, ny, nz = self.no_grid_points
dx, dy, dz = self.dxyz
center_x, center_y, center_z = self.center_gl_xyz
time, u, v, w = (list(tuvw.T) + [None, None])[:4]
x, y, z = glpos
mxs = np.round((time * self.box_transport_speed + (center_y - y)) / dx).astype(
if not np.array(y).shape==mxs.shape:
y = np.zeros_like(mxs)+y
if not np.array(x).shape==mxs.shape:
x = np.zeros_like(mxs)+x
if not np.array(z).shape==mxs.shape:
z = np.zeros_like(mxs)+z
x_err = y-(-(mxs*dx-time*self.box_transport_speed-center_y))
mys = np.round(((ny - 1) / 2. + (-x+center_x) / dy)).astype(
mzs = np.round(((nz - 1) / 2. + (center_z - z) / dz)).astype(
y_err = x-(-((mys-(ny-1)/2)*dy-center_x))
z_err = z-(-(mzs-(nz-1)/2)*dz+center_z)
pos_err = np.sqrt(x_err**2+y_err**2+z_err**2)
if fail_outside_box:
for ms, n in zip([mxs,mys,mzs],self.no_grid_points):
if ms.min() + 1 < 1:
i = np.argmin(ms)
raise ValueError("At time, t=%s, global position (%s,%s,%s) maps to grid point (%d,%d,%d) whichs is outside turbulence box, range (1..%d,1..%d,1..%d)" % (time[i], x[i], y[i], z[i], mxs[i] + 1, mys[i] + 1, mzs[i] + 1, nx , ny , nz))
if ms.max() + 1 > n:
i = np.argmax(ms)
raise ValueError("At time, t=%s, global position (%s,%s,%s) maps to grid point (%d,%d,%d) whichs is outside turbulence box, range (1..%d,1..%d,1..%d)" % (time[i], x[i], y[i], z[i], mxs[i] + 1, mys[i] + 1, mzs[i] + 1, nx , ny , nz))
mann_pos = ["%06d%02d%02d"%(mx,my,mz) for mx,my,mz in zip(mxs,mys,mzs)]
i = 0
N = len(mann_pos)
uvw_lst = [uvw for uvw in [u,v,w] if uvw is not None]
if subtract_mean:
uvw_lst = [uvw - uvw.mean() for uvw in uvw_lst]
while i<N:
for j in range(i+1,N+1):
if j==N or mann_pos[i]!=mann_pos[j]:
for comp, wsp in zip(['u', 'v', 'w'], uvw_lst):
if nearest:
value = wsp[i:j][np.argmin(pos_err[i:j])]
else: #mean
value = wsp[i:j].mean()
self.constraints[comp].append((mxs[i] + 1, mys[i] + 1, mzs[i] + 1, value))
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(["%d;%d;%d;%s;%.10f" % (mx, my, mz, comp, value) for comp in ['u', 'v', 'w']
for mx, my, mz, value in self.constraints[comp]])
def save(self, path, name, folder="./constraints/"):
path = os.path.join(path, folder)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, "%s.con" % name), 'w') as fid:
def time_series(self, y_position=0):
time = (np.arange(self.no_grid_points[0])*float(self.dxyz[0]) + y_position)/ self.box_transport_speed
u,v,w = [(np.zeros_like(time)+ np.nan)]*3
for uvw, constr in zip([u,v,w], [np.array(self.constraints[uvw]) for uvw in 'uvw']):
if constr.shape[0]>0:
uvw[constr[:,0].astype(] =constr[:,3]
return time, np.array([u,v,w]).T
def simulation_cmd(self, ae23, L, Gamma, seed, name, folder="./constraints/"):
assert isinstance(seed, int) and seed > 0, "seed must be a positive integer"
cmd = "./csimu2.exe %d %d %d %.3f %.3f %.3f " % (self.no_grid_points + self.box_size)
cmd += "%.6f %.2f %.2f %d " % (ae23, L, Gamma, seed)
cmd += "./turb/%s_s%s %s/%s.con" % (name, seed, folder, name)
return cmd
def hawc2_mann_section(self, name, seed):
htc = HTCFile()
mann = htc.wind.add_section("mann")
for uvw in 'uvw':
setattr(mann, 'filename_%s'%uvw, "./turb/%s_s%04d%s.bin" % ( name, int(seed),uvw))
for uvw, l,n in zip('uvw', self.box_size, self.no_grid_points):
setattr(mann, 'box_dim_%s'%uvw, [n,l/n])
mann.dont_scale = 1
return mann
Created on 02/10/2015
@author: MMPE
import unittest
import numpy as np
from wetb.wind.turbulence.constraint_file import ConstraintFile
from wetb.utils.test_files import get_test_file
class TestConstraintFile(unittest.TestCase):
def testConstraintFile(self):
time = [0, 1, 2]
u = [5, 7, 9]
v = [1.5, 1, .5]
w = [3, 1, 5]
tu = np.array([time, u]).T
tuvw = np.array([time, u, v, w]).T
glpos = (0, 0, -85)
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 0, -90), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints(glpos, tu)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][1], (6, 4, 4, 0))
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 0, -90), box_transport_speed=5, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints(glpos, tuvw)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][2], (6, 4, 4, 2))
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['v'][2], (6, 4, 4, -.5))
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['w'][2], (6, 4, 4, 2))
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 0, -90), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints((-10, -4, -95), tu)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][1], (8, 5, 5, 0))
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 4, -90), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints((-10, 0, -95), tu)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][1], (8, 5, 5, 0))"./test_files", "constraints_test",'')
def testConstraintFile_Mxyz(self):
time = [0]
u = [5]
tu = np.array([time, u]).T
glpos = (0, 0, -85)
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(0, 0, 0), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,0,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (1, 5, 5, 5))
constraint_file.add_constraints([5,0,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (1, 4, 5, 5))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,0,5], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (1, 5, 4, 5))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,-10,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (6, 5, 5, 5))
def testConstraintFile_center_gl_xyz(self):
time = [0]
u = [5]
tu = np.array([time, u]).T
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(0, 0, 0), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,0,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (1, 5, 5, 5))
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(0, 0, -5), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,0,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (1, 5, 4, 5))
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 0, 0), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,0,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (1, 4, 5, 5))
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(0, 10, 0), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
constraint_file.add_constraints([0,0,0], tu, subtract_mean=False)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(constraint_file.constraints['u'][-1], (6, 5, 5, 5))
def test_outputbox_errors(self):
time = [0, 1, 2]
u = [5, 7, 9]
v = [1.5, 1, .5]
w = [3, 1, 5]
tu = np.array([time, u]).T
tuvw = np.array([time, u, v, w]).T
glpos = (0, 0, -85)
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(0, 0, -85), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "At time, t=0, global position \(0,0,-44\)", constraint_file.add_constraints, (0, 0, -85 + 35 + 6), tu)
self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "At time, t=0, global position \(0,0,-126\)", constraint_file.add_constraints, (0, 0, -85 - 35 - 6), tu)
self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "At time, t=0, global position \(-41,0,-85\)", constraint_file.add_constraints, (-35 - 6, 0, -85), tu)
self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "At time, t=0, global position \(41,0,-85\)", constraint_file.add_constraints, (35 + 6, 0, -85), tu)
self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "At time, t=0, global position \(0,2,-85\)", constraint_file.add_constraints, (0, 2, -85), tu)
self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "At time, t=2, global position \(0,-13,-85\)", constraint_file.add_constraints, (0, -13, -85), tu)
def test_hawc2_cmd(self):
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(0, 0, -85), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
mann = constraint_file.hawc2_mann_section("test",1)
self.assertEqual(mann.box_dim_u.values, [16,1.875])
def test_load(self):
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 4, -90), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
with open(get_test_file('constraints_test.con')) as fid:
def test_time_series(self):
constraint_file = ConstraintFile(center_gl_xyz=(-5, 4, -90), box_transport_speed=10, no_grid_points=(16, 8, 8), box_dimension=(30, 70, 70))
time,uvw = constraint_file.time_series(-4)
u,v,w = uvw.T
m = ~np.isnan(u)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testConstraintFile']
\ No newline at end of file
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