Thank you for your interest in developing wetb. This guide details how to
contribute to wetb in a way that is efficient for everyone.
- [Fork](#Fork-project)
- [Requirements](#Requirements)
- [Install Python](#Install-Python)
- [Install dependencies](#Install-dependencies)
- [Get wetb](#Get-wetb)
- [Install wetb](#Install-wetb)
- [Contributions](#Contributions)
- [Upload contributions](#Upload-contributions)
- [Make and upload wheels](#Make-and-upload-wheels)
We prefer that you make your contributions in your own fork of the project,
[make your changes](#Contributions) and [make a merge request](#Upload contributions).
The project can be forked to your own user account via the \<Fork\> button on
the [frontpage](
### Command line
This guide will use the command line (aka command prompt) frequently.
You can launch a Windows terminal as follows: press Start> and type
"cmd" + \<Enter\>. A link to the command prompt should be visible now.
In case you want an alternative, more capable windows terminal, you could consider
using [ConEmu]( (this is optional).
> ConEmu-Maximus5 is a Windows console emulator with tabs, which presents
> multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window
> with various features.
### Git
* Download and install Git version control system for Windows 64-bit
[here]( Only select the Windows Portable
option if you know what you are doing or if you do not have administrative
rights on your computer.
* Git comes with a simple GUI, but there are more and different options available
if you are not happy with it, see [here](
* On windows we highly recommend [tortoisegit]( It
is a gui integrated into the windows explorer.
For all platforms we recommend that you download and install the Anaconda -
a professional grade, full blown scientific Python distribution.
### Installing Anaconda, activate root environment
* Download and install Anaconda (Python 3.5 version, 64 bit installer is
recommended) from <>
> Note: The Python 2.7 or Python 3.5 choice of Anaconda only affects the
root environment. You can always create additional environments using other
Python versions, see below.
* Update the root Anaconda environment (type in a terminal):
>> conda update --all
* Activate the Anaconda root environment in a terminal as follows:
>> activate
and your terminal will do something like:
C:\Users\> activate
[Anaconda3] C:\Users\>
note that the name of the environment is now a prefix before the current path.
use ```deactivate``` to deactivate the environment.
### Optionally, create other independent Anaconda environments
By using environments you can manage different Python installations with
different versions on your system. Creating environments is as easy as:
>> conda create -n py27 python=2.7
>> conda create -n py34 python=3.4
>> conda create -n py35 python=3.5
These environments can be activated as follows:
>> activate py27
>> activate py34
>> activate py35
The Python distribution in use will now be located in e.g. \<path_to_anaconda\>/env/py35/
use ```deactivate``` to deactivate the environment.
- [numpy](
- [cython](
- [scipy](
- [pandas](
- xlrd and xlwt from [python-excel](
- [openpyxl](
- [h5py](
- [matplotlib](
- [pytables](
- [pyscaffold](
- pytest, pytest-cov
- six, [future](
- [parimeko](
Install the necessary Python dependencies using the conda package manager:
>> conda install setuptools_scm future h5py pytables pytest nose sphinx
>> conda install scipy pandas matplotlib cython xlrd coverage xlwt openpyxl psutil
>> conda install -c pyscaffold pytest-cov
Copy the https - link on the front page of your fork of wetb
>> git clone <https-link>
or via tortoise-git:
- Right-click in your working folder
- "Git Clone..."
- \<Ok\>
>> cd WindEnergyToolbox
>> pip install -e . --no-deps
If you make a change in the toolbox, that others can benefit from please make a merge request.
If you can, please submit a merge request with the fix or improvements including tests.
The workflow to make a merge request is as follows:
- Create a feature branch, branch away from master
- Write tests and code
- Push the commit(s) to your fork
- Submit a merge request (MR) to the master branch of
- Link any relevant issues in the merge request description and leave a comment on them with a link back to the MR
- Your tests should run as fast as possible, and if it uses test files, these files should be as small as possible.
- Please keep the change in a single MR as small as possible. Split the functionality if you can