Created on 04/04/2016
@author: MMPE
import multiprocessing
from wetb.utils.cluster_tools.ssh_client import SSHClient, SharedSSHClient
def __init__(self, min_cpu, min_free):
self.min_cpu = min_cpu
self.min_free = min_free
def ok2submit(self):
"""Always ok to have min_cpu cpus and ok to have more if there are min_free free cpus"""
total, free, user = self.check_resources()
return False
if user < self.min_cpu:
return True
elif free > self.min_free:
return True
return False
def acquire(self):
with self.lock:
self.acquired += 1
def release(self):
with self.lock:
self.acquired -= 1
def __init__(self, host, username, password, port, min_cpu, min_free):
Resource.__init__(self, min_cpu, min_free)
self.shared_ssh = SharedSSHClient(host, username, password, port)
SSHClient.__init__(self, host, username, password, port=port)
def new_ssh_connection(self):
return SSHClient(, self.username, self.password, self.port)
def check_resources(self):
with self.lock:
with self:
_, output, _ = self.execute('pbsnodes -l all')
pbsnodes, nodes = pbswrap.parse_pbsnode_lall(output.split("\n"))
_, output, _ = self.execute('qstat -n1')
users, host, nodesload = pbswrap.parse_qstat_n1(output.split("\n"))
# if the user does not have any jobs, this will not exist
cpu_user = users[self.username]['cpus']
cpu_user += users[self.username]['Q']
except KeyError:
cpu_user = 0
cpu_user = max(cpu_user, self.acquired)
cpu_free, nodeSum = pbswrap.count_cpus(users, host, pbsnodes)
def jobids(self, jobname_prefix):
_, output, _ = self.execute('qstat -u %s' % self.username)
return [l.split()[0].split(".")[0] for l in output.split("\n")[5:] if l.strip() != "" and l.split()[3].startswith("h2l")]
def stop_pbsjobs(self, jobids):
if not hasattr(jobids, "len"):
jobids = list(jobids)
self.execute("qdel %s" % (" ".join(jobids)))
N = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() / 2)
Resource.__init__(self, N, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
self.process_name = process_name = 'Localhost'
def check_resources(self):
return psutil.Process(i).name()
except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess):
cpu_free = (1 - psutil.cpu_percent(.5) / 100) * no_cpu
no_current_process = len([i for i in psutil.pids() if name(i).lower().startswith(self.process_name.lower())])
used = max(self.acquired, no_cpu - cpu_free, no_current_process)
return no_cpu, cpu_free, used