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                              df_stats1=None, df_stats2=None,
                              iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
        Compare blade distribution aerodynamics of two HAWC2 cases.
        tors1 = fname_1.split('_aero_at_tstop')[0]
        res1 = self.load_h2(fname_1, h2_df_stats=df_stats1, fname_h2_tors=tors1)
        tors2 = fname_2.split('_aero_at_tstop')[0]
        res2 = self.load_h2(fname_2, h2_df_stats=df_stats2, fname_h2_tors=tors2)

        results = [res1.h2_aero[n0+1:], res2.h2_aero[n0+1:]]

        fig, axes = self.distribution(results, labels, title, self.dist_channels,
                                      x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)
    def hs_blade_distribution(self, fname_1, fname_2, title, labels, n0=0,
                              iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):

        res1 = self.load_hs(fname_1)
        res2 = self.load_hs(fname_2)

        results = [res1.hs_aero[n0:], res2.hs_aero[n0:]]
#        channels = ['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'AoA', 'inflow_angle', 'Cl', 'Cd',
#                    'vrel', 'ax_ind_vel']

        fig, axes = self.distribution(results, labels, title, self.dist_channels,
                                      x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)

        return fig, axes

    def blade_distribution(self, fname_h2, fname_hs2, title, n0=0,
                           h2_df_stats=None, fname_h2_tors=None,
                           iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
        """Compare aerodynamics, blade deflections between HAWC2 and HAWCStab2.
        This is based on HAWCSTab2 *.ind files, and an HAWC2 output_at_time
        output file.





        n0 : int, default=0
            Number of nodes to ignore at the blade root section
        results.blade_distribution(fname_h2, fname_hs2, h2_df_stats=h2_df_stats,
        res = [results.h2_aero[n0+1:-1], results.hs_aero[n0:]]

#        channels = ['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'AoA', 'inflow_angle', 'Cl', 'Cd',
#                    'vrel', 'ax_ind_vel']
        labels = ['HAWC2', 'HAWCStab2']

        fig, axes = self.distribution(res, labels, title, self.dist_channels,
                                      x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)
    def blade_distribution2(self, fname_h2, fname_hs2, title, n0=0,
                            iplot_legend=0, legloc='best'):
        """Compare aerodynamics, blade deflections between HAWC2 and HAWCStab2.
        This is based on HAWCSTab2 *.ind files, and an HAWC2 output_at_time
        output file.

        results.blade_distribution(fname_h2, fname_hs2)
        res = [results.h2_aero[n0+1:-1], results.hs_aero[n0:]]

        channels = ['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'torsion', 'inflow_angle',
                    'Cl', 'Cd', 'vrel',  'AoA',
                    'F_x', 'F_y', 'M', 'ax_ind_vel', 'torsion']
        labels = ['HAWC2', 'HAWCStab2']

        fig, axes = self.distribution(res, labels, title, channels,
                                      x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
                                      nrows=3, ncols=4, size=(16, 12),
                                      iplot_legend=iplot_legend, legloc=legloc)

        return fig, axes

    def powercurve(self, h2_df_stats, fname_hs, title, size=(8.6, 4)):

        results.powercurve(h2_df_stats, fname_hs)

        fig, axes = self.new_fig(title=title, nrows=1, ncols=2, size=size)

        wind_h2 = results.pwr_h2_mean['windspeed'].values
        wind_hs = results.pwr_hs['windspeed'].values

        # POWER ---------------------------------------------------------------
        ax.set_ylabel('Power [kW]')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
        keys = ['P_aero', 'P_mech']
        lss = [self.h2ls, '--', ':']
        # HAWC2
        for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
            # it is possible the mechanical power has not been calculated
            if key not in results.pwr_h2_mean:
            label = 'HAWC2 %s' % (key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
            yerr = results.pwr_h2_std[key].values
            c = self.h2c
            ax.errorbar(wind_h2, results.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
                        label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.h2ms)
        key = 'P_aero'
        ax.plot(wind_hs, results.pwr_hs[key].values, label='HAWCStab2',
                alpha=0.7, color=self.hsc, ls=self.hsls, marker=self.hsms)
        axr = ax.twinx()
        assert np.allclose(wind_h2, wind_hs)
        qq1 = results.pwr_h2_mean[key].values
        qq2 = results.pwr_hs[key].values
        axr.plot(wind_hs, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
                 label=self.errlab + ' P$_{aero}$')
        ax.set_xlim([wind_h2.min(), wind_h2.max()])
        # legends
        lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        linesr, labelsr = axr.get_legend_handles_labels()
        leg = axr.legend(lines + linesr, labels + labelsr, loc='lower right')

        # THRUST --------------------------------------------------------------
        ax.set_ylabel('Thrust [kN]')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
        keys = ['T_aero', 'T_shafttip']
        lss = [self.h2ls, '--', ':']
        # HAWC2
        for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
            label = 'HAWC2 %s' % (key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
            ax.errorbar(wind_h2, results.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
                        label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.h2ms)
        # HAWCStab2
        ax.plot(wind_hs, results.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values, color=self.hsc, alpha=0.7,
                label='HAWCStab2 T$_{aero}$', marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls)
        axr = ax.twinx()
        qq1 = results.pwr_h2_mean['T_aero'].values
        qq2 = results.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values
        axr.plot(wind_hs, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
                 label=self.errlab + ' T$_{aero}$')
        ax.set_xlim([wind_h2.min(), wind_h2.max()])
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
        # legends
        lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        linesr, labelsr = axr.get_legend_handles_labels()
        leg = axr.legend(lines + linesr, labels + labelsr, loc='lower right')

        axes = self.set_axes_label_grid(axes, setlegend=False)

        return fig, axes

    def h2_powercurve(self, h2_df_stats1, h2_df_stats2, title, labels,
        wind1 = res1.pwr_h2_mean['windspeed'].values

        wind2 = res2.pwr_h2_mean['windspeed'].values

        fig, axes = self.new_fig(title=title, nrows=1, ncols=2, size=size)

        # POWER
        ax = axes[0]
        key = 'P_aero'
        # HAWC2
        yerr1 = res1.pwr_h2_std[key].values
        ax.errorbar(wind1, res1.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=self.h2c, yerr=yerr1,
                    marker=self.h2ms, ls=self.h2ls, label=labels[0], alpha=0.9)
        yerr2 = res2.pwr_h2_std[key]
        ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=self.hsc, yerr=yerr2,
                    marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls, label=labels[1], alpha=0.7)
        ax.set_ylabel('Power [kW]')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
        # relative errors on the right axes
        axr = ax.twinx()
        assert np.allclose(wind1, wind2)
        qq1 = res1.pwr_h2_mean[key].values
        qq2 = res2.pwr_h2_mean[key].values
        err = np.abs(1.0 - qq1 / qq2)*100.0
        axr.plot(wind1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,

        # THRUST
        ax = axes[1]
        keys = ['T_aero', 'T_shafttip']
        lss = [self.h2ls, '--', ':']
        for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
            label = '%s %s' % (labels[0], key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
            ax.errorbar(wind1, res1.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
                        label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.h2ms)
        for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
            label = '%s %s' % (labels[1], key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
            ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
                        label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.hsms)
        # relative errors on the right axes
        axr = ax.twinx()
        qq1 = res1.pwr_h2_mean['T_aero'].values
        qq2 = res2.pwr_h2_mean['T_aero'].values
        err = np.abs(1.0 - (qq1 / qq2))*100.0
        axr.plot(wind1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
        ax.set_ylabel('Thrust [kN]')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')

        axes = self.set_axes_label_grid(axes, setlegend=True)
#        # use axr for the legend
#        lines = ax.lines + axr.lines
#        labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]
#        leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')
#        leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)

        return fig, axes

    def hs_powercurve(self, fname1, fname2, title, labels, size=(8.6, 4)):

        wind1 = res1.pwr_hs['windspeed'].values

        wind2 = res2.pwr_hs['windspeed'].values

        fig, axes = self.new_fig(title=title, nrows=1, ncols=2, size=size)

        # POWER
        ax = axes[0]
        key = 'P_aero'
        ax.plot(wind1, res1.pwr_hs['P_aero'].values, label=labels[0],
                alpha=0.9, color=self.h2c, ls=self.h2ls, marker=self.h2ms)
        ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['P_aero'].values, label=labels[1],
                alpha=0.7, color=self.hsc, ls=self.hsls, marker=self.hsms)
        ax.set_ylabel('Power [kW]')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')
        # relative errors on the right axes
        axr = ax.twinx()
        assert np.allclose(wind1, wind2)
        qq1 = res1.pwr_hs[key].values
        qq2 = res2.pwr_hs[key].values
        err = np.abs(1.0 - qq1 / qq2)*100.0
        axr.plot(wind1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
#        axr.set_ylim([])

        # THRUST
        ax = axes[1]
        ax.plot(wind1, res1.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values, color=self.h2c, alpha=0.9,
                label=labels[0], marker=self.h2ms, ls=self.h2ls)
        ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values, color=self.hsc, alpha=0.7,
                label=labels[1], marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls)
        # relative errors on the right axes
        axr = ax.twinx()
        qq1 = res1.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values
        qq2 = res2.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values
        err = np.abs(1.0 - (qq1 / qq2))*100.0
        axr.plot(wind1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls, alpha=0.6,
        ax.set_ylabel('Thrust [kN]')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]')

        axes = self.set_axes_label_grid(axes, setlegend=True)
#        # use axr for the legend
#        lines = ax.lines + axr.lines
#        labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]
#        leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')
#        leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)

        return fig, axes

if __name__ == '__main__':

    dummy = None