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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Nov 20 10:11:06 2015

@author: tlbl
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

# arctan and pi are required because they are in the formulas that are
# evaluated
from numpy import (floor, arctan, pi, log, log10, sin, cos, tan, e, arcsin,
import pandas as pd
import xlrd
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os

def multi_for(iterables):
    Routine to create list with combination of elements.
    if not iterables:
        yield ()
        for item in iterables[0]:
            for rest_tuple in multi_for(iterables[1:]):
                yield (item,) + rest_tuple

class GeneralDLC(object):
    Basic class to generate the DLC spreadsheets. It contains routines to
    handle the different types of tags.

    * Constants: are fixed in the current DLC, e.g. reference turbulence\
        intensity, rotor radius, reference wind speed, ....

    * Variables: define the number of cases in a DLC through their combination\
        e.g. wind speed, number of turbulence seeds, yaw angle, ....

    * Functions: depend on other tags e.g turbulence intensity, file name, ....


    def __init__(self):


    def remove_from_dict(self, non_defaults, defaults):

        for key in non_defaults.keys():
                del defaults[key]
        return defaults

    def add_variables_tag(self, dlc, variables, variables_order):

        cases_len = []
        for tag in variables_order:
            dlc[tag] = []
            v = variables[tag]
            for i in range(len(v)-1):
            if tag == '[seed]':
            elif tag == '[wave_seed]':
        cases_index = multi_for(list(map(range, cases_len)))

        # when no seeds are used, otherwise i_seed is not set
        i_seed = -1
        if '[wsp]' in variables_order:
            i_wsp = variables_order.index('[wsp]')
            len_wsp = len(variables['[wsp]'])
            raise ValueError('Missing VARIABLE (V) [wsp] tag!')
        if '[seed]' in variables_order:
            i_seed = variables_order.index('[seed]')
        if '[wave_seed]' in variables_order:
            i_wave_seed = variables_order.index('[wave_seed]')
        if i_seed > i_wsp:
            raise ValueError('column [seed] should come BEFORE [wsp] !!')

        for irow, row in enumerate(cases_index):
            for icol, col in enumerate(row):
                if variables_order[icol] == '[seed]':
                    counter = floor(irow/len_wsp) + 1
                    value = '%4.4i' % (1000*counter + row[i_wsp] + 1)
                elif variables_order[icol] == '[wave_seed]':
                    value = '%4.4i' % (100*(row[i_wsp]+1) + row[i_wave_seed] + 1)
#                    value = '%4.4i' % (1000*counter + row[i_wsp] + 101)
#                    value = '%4.4i' % (irow+1)
#                    value = '%4.4i' % (10000*(row[i_wave_dir])] + 1) + \
#                                        1000*(row[i_Hs])] + 1) + \
#                                        10*(row[i_Tp])] + 1) +\
#                                        row[i_seed])] + 1)
                    value = variables[variables_order[icol]][col]
                    if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value, int):
                        value = str(value)

    def add_constants_tag(self, dlc, constants):

        for key in constants.keys():
            dlc[key] = [constants[key]]*len(dlc['[wsp]'])

    def sort_formulas(self, formulas):
        # sort formulas based on their dependency

        keys_list = sorted(formulas)
        for i in range(len(keys_list)):
            for ikey, key in enumerate(keys_list):
                formula = formulas[key]
                for ikey2, key2 in enumerate(keys_list):
                    if key2 in formula:
                        if ikey < ikey2:
                            keys_list.insert(ikey2, key)
        return keys_list

    def eval_formulas(self, dlc):

        for key in dlc.keys():
            if isinstance(dlc[key][0], str):
                if "[" in dlc[key][0]:
                    for key2 in dlc.keys():
                        for iformula, formula in enumerate(dlc[key]):
                            if key2 in formula:
                                dlc[key][iformula] = dlc[key][iformula].replace(key2, '%s'%dlc[key2][iformula])
                    for iformula, formula in enumerate(dlc[key]):
                        formula = formula.replace(',', '.')
                        formula = formula.replace(';', ',')
                        dlc[key][iformula] = eval(formula)

    def add_formulas(self, dlc, formulas):

        keys_list = self.sort_formulas(formulas)

        # specify the precision of the tag as used in the formulas
        # this does NOT affect the precision of the tag itself, only when used
        # in a formula based tag.
        formats = {'[wsp]':'%02i', '[gridgustdelay]':'%02i',
                   '[wdir]':'%03i', '[G_phi0]':'%03i',
                   '[Hs]':'%05.02f', '[Tp]':'%05.02f'}

        for fkey in keys_list:
            flist = []
            for i in range(len(dlc['[wsp]'])):
                formula = formulas[fkey]
                for key in dlc.keys():
                    if key in formula:
                        if formula[0] == '"':
                                fmt = formats[key]
                            except KeyError:
                                value = float(dlc[key][i])
                            except ValueError:
                                # this is for string tags
                                value = dlc[key][i]
                                fmt = '%s'
                            formula = formula.replace(key, fmt % value)
                        elif key in formula:
                            formula = formula.replace(key, '%s' % dlc[key][i])
                formula = formula.replace(',', '.')
                formula = formula.replace(';', ',')
                formula = formula.replace('\n', ' ')
                except Exception as exc:
                    print('following formula failed to execute:')
                    print('and raised the following exception:')
                    raise exc

            dlc[fkey] = flist

class GenerateDLCCases(GeneralDLC):
    Class to generate Excell sheets for each DLB case starting from a single
    Excell sheet.


    filename: str
        Name of the excel spreadsheet containing the definition of all the
        cases to generate.

    folder: str
        Name of the folder in which to save the DLB cases.

        DLB = GenerateDLCCases()


    def execute(self, filename='DLCs.xlsx', folder='', isheets=None):

        book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)

        if isheets is None:
            isheets = list(range(1, book.nsheets))

        # Loop through all the sheets. Each sheet correspond to a DLC.

            # Read all the initialization constants and functions in the
            # first sheet
            general_constants = {}
            general_functions = {}
            sheet = book.sheets()[0]
            for i in range(1, sheet.ncols):
                if sheet.cell_value(9, i) != '':
                    general_constants[str(sheet.cell_value(9, i))] = \
                        sheet.cell_value(10, i)
                if sheet.cell_value(13, i) != '':
                    general_functions[str(sheet.cell_value(13, i))] = \
                        sheet.cell_value(14, i)

            sheet = book.sheets()[isheet]

            print('Sheet #%i' % isheet,

            # Read the actual sheet.
            constants = {}
            variables = {}
            formulas = {}
            variables_order = []
            # Loop through the columns
            for i in range(sheet.ncols):
                if sheet.cell_value(1, i) is not None:
                    tag = str(sheet.cell_value(1, i))
                    if tag is not '':
                        # FIXME: only works if [wsp] is defined as variable
                        # and [seed] tags are present
                        if sheet.cell_value(0, i) == 'C':
                            constants[tag] = sheet.cell_value(2, i)
                        if sheet.cell_value(0, i) == 'V':
                            variables[tag] = \
                                [sheet.cell_value(j, i) for j in range(2, sheet.nrows)]
                        if sheet.cell_value(0, i) == 'F':
                            formulas[tag] = str(sheet.cell_value(2, i))

            dlc = {}

            general_constants = self.remove_from_dict(variables,
            general_constants = self.remove_from_dict(constants,
            general_functions = self.remove_from_dict(formulas,

            self.add_variables_tag(dlc, variables, variables_order)
            self.add_constants_tag(dlc, general_constants)
            self.add_constants_tag(dlc, constants)
            self.add_formulas(dlc, formulas)
            self.add_formulas(dlc, general_functions)
            # TODO: before eval, check if all tags in formula's are present
            df = pd.DataFrame(dlc)
            if not os.path.exists(folder):
            df.to_excel(os.path.join(folder,'.xlsx'), index=False)

    parser = ArgumentParser(description = "generator of DLB spreadsheets")
    parser.add_argument('--master', type=str, default='DLCs.xlsx', action='store',
                        dest='filename', help='Master spreadsheet file')
    parser.add_argument('--folder', type=str, default='', action='store',
                        dest='folder', help='Destination folder name')
    opt = parser.parse_args()
    DLB.execute(filename=opt.filename, folder=opt.folder)