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                subset_nr = int(line_list[0][1:])
                # and comments only format, back to one string
                setid = '%03i-%03i-b' % (set_nr, subset_nr)
                st_comments[setid] = ' '.join(line_list[2:])

                # check if the number read corresponds to tracking
                if subset_nr is not subset_nr_track:
                    msg = 'subset_nr and subset_nr_track do not match'
                    raise UserWarning(msg)

                nr_points = int(line_list[1])
                st_dict[setid] = line
                # prepare read data points
                sub_set_arr = scipy.zeros((nr_points,19), dtype=np.float64)
                # keep track of where we are on the data array, initialize
                # to 0 for starters
                point = 0

            # in case we are not in subset mode, we only have comments left
            elif not subset:
                # FIXME: how are we dealing with set comments now?
                # subset comments are coming before the actual subset
                # so we account them to one set later than we are now
                #if subset_nr > 0 :
                key = '%03i-%03i-a' % (set_nr, subset_nr+1)
                # in case it is not the first comment line
                if key in st_dict: st_dict[key] += line
                else: st_dict[key]  = line
                ## otherwise we have the set comments
                    #key = '%03i-%03i-a' % (set_nr, subset_nr)
                    ## in case it is not the first comment line
                    #if st_dict.has_key(key): st_dict[key] += line
                    #else: st_dict[key]  = line

            # in case we have the data points, make sure there are enough
            # data poinst present, raise an error if it doesn't
            elif len(line_list)==19 and subset:
                # we can store it in the array
                sub_set_arr[point,:] = line_list
                # on the last entry:
                if point == nr_points-1:
                    # save to the dict:
                    st_dict['%03i-%03i-d' % (set_nr, subset_nr)]= sub_set_arr
                    # and indicate we're done subsetting, next we can have
                    # either set or subset comments
                    subset = False
                point += 1

                #msg='error in st format: don't know where to put current line'
                #raise UserWarning, msg

        self.st_dict = st_dict
        self.st_comments = st_comments

    def _format_nr(self, number):
        Automatic format the number

        prec_loss : float, default=0.01
            acceptible precision loss expressed in %


        # the formatting of the number
        numabs = abs(number)
        # just a float precision defined in self.prec_float
        if (numabs < self.float_hi and numabs > self.float_lo):
            numfor = format(number, self.prec_float)
        # if it is zero, just simply print as 0.0
        elif number == 0.0:
            numfor = format(number, ' 1.1f')
        # exponentional, precision defined in self.prec_exp
            numfor = format(number, self.prec_exp)

            loss = 100.0*abs(1 - (float(numfor)/number))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            if abs(float(numfor)) > 0.00000001:
                msg = 'precision loss, from %1.10f to %s' \
                            % (number, numfor.strip())
                raise ValueError('precesion loss for new st file')
                loss = 0
        if loss > self.prec_loss:
            msg = 'precision loss, from %1.10f to %s (%f pc)' \
                        % (number, numfor.strip(), loss)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        return numfor

    def write_st(self, file_path, file_name, print_header=False):
        prec_loss : float, default=0.01
            acceptible precision loss expressed in %
        # TODO: implement all the tests when writing on nset, number of data
        # points, subsetnumber sequence etc

        content = ''

        # sort the key list
        keysort = list(self.st_dict.keys())

        for key in keysort:

            # in case we are just printing what was recorded before
            if not key.endswith('d'):
                content += self.st_dict[key]
            # else we have an array
                # cycle through data points and print them orderly: control
                # precision depending on the number, keep spacing constant
                # so it is easy to read the textfile
                for m in range(self.st_dict[key].shape[0]):
                    for n in range(self.st_dict[key].shape[1]):
                        # TODO: check what do we lose here?
                        # we are coming from a np.float64, as set in the array
                        # but than it will not work with the format()
                        number = float(self.st_dict[key][m,n])
                        numfor = self._format_nr(number)
                        content += numfor.rjust(self.col_width)
                    content += '\n'

                if print_header:
                    content += self.column_header_line

        # and write file to disk again
        FILE = open(file_path + file_name, 'w')
        if not self.silent:
            print('st file written:', file_path + file_name)

    def write_latex(self, fpath, selection=[]):
        Write a table in Latex format based on the data in the st file.

        selection : list
            [ [setnr, subsetnr, table caption], [setnr, subsetnr, caption],...]
            if not specified, all subsets will be plotted


        cols_p1 = ['r [m]', 'm [kg/m]', 'm(ri{_x})^2 [kgNm^2]',
                   'm(ri{_y})^2 [kgNm^2]', 'EI_x [Nm^2]', 'EI_y [Nm^2]',
                   'EA [N]', 'GJ [\\frac{Nm^2}{rad}]']

        cols_p2 = ['r [m]', 'x_cg [m]', 'y_cg [m]', 'x_sh [m]', 'y_sh [m]',
                'x_e [m]', 'y_e [m]', 'k_x [-]', 'k_y [-]', 'pitch [deg]']

        if len(selection) < 1:
            for key in self.st_dict:
                # but now only take the ones that hold data
                if key[-1] == 'd':
                    selection.append([int(key[:3]), int(key[4:7])])

        for i,j, caption in selection:
            # get the data
                # set comment should be the name of the body
                set_comment = self.st_comments['%03i-000-0' % (i)]
#                subset_comment = self.st_comments['%03i-%03i-b' % (i,j)]
                st_arr = self.st_dict['%03i-%03i-d' % (i,j)]
            except AttributeError:
                msg = 'ModelData object md is not loaded properly'
                raise AttributeError(msg)

            # build the latex table header
#            textable = u"\\begin{table}[b!]\n"
#            textable += u"\\begin{center}\n"
            textable_p1 = "\\centering\n"
            textable_p1 += "\\begin{tabular}"
            # configure the column properties
            tmp = ['C{2.0 cm}' for k in cols_p1]
            tmp = "|".join(tmp)
            textable_p1 += '{|' + tmp + '|}'
            textable_p1 += '\hline\n'
            # add formula mode for the headers
            tmp = []
            for k in cols_p1:
                k1, k2 = k.split(' ')
                tmp.append('$%s$ $%s$' % (k1,k2) )
#            tmp = [u'$%s$' % k for k in cols_p1]
            textable_p1 += ' & '.join(tmp)
            textable_p1 += '\\\\ \n'
            textable_p1 += '\hline\n'
            textable_p2 = "\\centering\n"
            textable_p2 += "\\begin{tabular}"
            # configure the column properties
            tmp = ['C{1.5 cm}' for k in cols_p2]
            tmp = "|".join(tmp)
            textable_p2 += '{|' + tmp + '|}'
            textable_p2 += '\hline\n'
            # add formula mode for the headers
            tmp = []
            for k in cols_p2:
                k1, k2 = k.split(' ')
                tmp.append('$%s$ $%s$' % (k1,k2) )
#            tmp = [u'$%s$ $%s$' % (k1, k2) for k in cols_p2]
            # hack: spread the last element over two lines
#            tmp[-1] = '$pitch$ $[deg]$'
            textable_p2 += ' & '.join(tmp)
            textable_p2 += '\\\\ \n'
            textable_p2 += '\hline\n'
            for row in range(st_arr.shape[0]):
                r    = st_arr[row, self.st_headers.r]
                m    = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.m]
                x_cg = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.x_cg]
                y_cg = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.y_cg]
                ri_x = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.ri_x]
                ri_y = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.ri_y]
                x_sh = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.x_sh]
                y_sh = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.y_sh]
                E    = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.E]
                G    = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.G]
                Ixx  = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.Ixx]
                Iyy  = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.Iyy]
                I_p  = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.I_p]
                k_x  = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.k_x]
                k_y  = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.k_y]
                A    = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.A]
                pitch = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.pitch]
                x_e   = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.x_e]
                y_e   = st_arr[row,self.st_headers.y_e]
                # WARNING: same order as the labels defined in variable "cols"!
                p1 = [r, m, m*ri_x*ri_x, m*ri_y*ri_y, E*Ixx, E*Iyy, E*A,I_p*G]
                p2 = [r, x_cg, y_cg, x_sh, y_sh, x_e, y_e, k_x, k_y, pitch]

                textable_p1 += " & ".join([self._format_nr(k) for k in p1])
                textable_p1 += '\\\\ \n'
                textable_p2 += " & ".join([self._format_nr(k) for k in p2])
                textable_p2 += '\\\\ \n'

            # default caption
            if caption == '':
                caption = 'HAWC2 cross sectional parameters for body: %s' % set_comment

            textable_p1 += "\hline\n"
            textable_p1 += "\end{tabular}\n"
            textable_p1 += "\caption{%s}\n" % caption
#            textable += u"\end{center}\n"
#            textable += u"\end{table}\n"

            fname = '%s-%s-%03i-%03i_p1' % (self.st_file, set_comment, i, j)
            fname = fname.replace('.', '') + '.tex'
            with open(fpath + fname, 'w') as f:

            textable_p2 += "\hline\n"
            textable_p2 += "\end{tabular}\n"
            textable_p2 += "\caption{%s}\n" % caption
#            textable += u"\end{center}\n"
#            textable += u"\end{table}\n"

            fname = '%s-%s-%03i-%03i_p2' % (self.st_file, set_comment, i, j)
            fname = fname.replace('.', '') + '.tex'
            with open(fpath + fname, 'w') as f:

class WeibullParameters(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.Vin = 4.
        self.Vr = 12.
        self.Vout = 26.
        self.Vref = 50.
        self.Vstep = 2.
        self.shape_k = 2.

def compute_env_of_env(envelope, dlc_list, Nx=300, Nsectors=12, Ntheta=181):
    The function computes load envelopes for given channels and a groups of
    load cases starting from the envelopes computed for single simulations.
    The output is the envelope of the envelopes of the single simulations.
    This total envelope is projected on defined polar directions.


    envelope : dict, dictionaries of interpolated envelopes of a given
                    channel (it's important that each entry of the dictonary
                    contains a matrix of the same dimensions). The dictonary
                    is organized by load case

    dlc_list : list, list of load cases

    Nx : int, default=300
        Number of points for the envelope interpolation
    Nsectors: int, default=12
        Number of sectors in which the total envelope will be divided. The
        default is every 30deg
    Ntheta; int, default=181
        Number of angles in which the envelope is interpolated in polar
        Total envelope projected on the number of angles defined in Nsectors.
        The envelope is projected in Mx and My and the other cross-sectional
        moments and forces are fetched accordingly (at the same time step where
        the corresponding Mx and My are occuring)
    # Group all the single DLCs
    cloud = np.zeros(((Nx+1)*len(envelope),6))
    for i in range(len(envelope)):
        cloud[(Nx+1)*i:(Nx+1)*(i+1),:] = envelope[dlc_list[i]]
    # Compute total Hull of all the envelopes
    hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(cloud[:,:2])
    cc = np.append(cloud[hull.vertices,:2],
    # Interpolate full envelope
    cc_x,cc_up,cc_low,cc_int= int_envelope(cc[:,0], cc[:,1], Nx=Nx)
    # Project full envelope on given direction
    cc_proj = proj_envelope(cc_x, cc_up, cc_low, cc_int, Nx, Nsectors, Ntheta)
    env_proj = np.zeros([len(cc_proj),6])
    env_proj[:,:2] = cc_proj
    # Based on Mx and My, gather the remaining cross-sectional forces and
    # moments
    for ich in range(2, 6):
        s0 = np.array(cloud[hull.vertices, ich]).reshape(-1, 1)
        s1 = np.array(cloud[hull.vertices[0], ich]).reshape(-1, 1)
        s0 = np.append(s0, s1, axis=0)
        cc = np.append(cc, s0, axis=1)
        _,_,_,extra_sensor = int_envelope(cc[:,0],cc[:,ich],Nx)
        es = np.atleast_2d(np.array(extra_sensor[:,1])).T
        cc_int = np.append(cc_int,es,axis=1)
        for isec in range(Nsectors):
            ids = (np.abs(cc_int[:,0]-cc_proj[isec,0])).argmin()
            env_proj[isec,ich] = (cc_int[ids-1,ich]+cc_int[ids,ich]+\
def int_envelope(ch1,ch2,Nx):
    # Function to interpolate envelopes and output arrays of same length

    # Number of points is defined by Nx + 1, where the + 1 is needed to
    # close the curve

    upper = []
    lower = []

    indmax = np.argmax(ch1)
    indmin = np.argmin(ch1)
    if indmax > indmin:
        lower = np.array([ch1[indmin:indmax+1],ch2[indmin:indmax+1]]).T
        upper = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmax:],ch2[indmax:]]).T,
        upper = np.array([ch1[indmax:indmin+1],ch2[indmax:indmin+1]]).T
        lower = np.concatenate((np.array([ch1[indmin:],ch2[indmin:]]).T,
    int_1 = np.linspace(min(upper[:,0].min(),lower[:,0].min()),
    upper = np.flipud(upper)
    int_2_up = np.interp(int_1,np.array(upper[:,0]),np.array(upper[:,1]))
    int_2_low = np.interp(int_1,np.array(lower[:,0]),np.array(lower[:,1]))

    int_env = np.concatenate((np.array([int_1[:-1],int_2_up[:-1]]).T,

    return int_1, int_2_up, int_2_low, int_env

def proj_envelope(env_x, env_up, env_low, env, Nx, Nsectors, Ntheta):
    # Function to project envelope on given angles

    # Angles of projection is defined by Nsectors
    # Projections are obtained in polar coordinates and outputted in
    # cartesian

    theta_int = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Ntheta)
    sectors = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Nsectors+1)
    proj = np.zeros([Nsectors,2])
    R_up = np.sqrt(env_x**2+env_up**2)
    theta_up = np.arctan2(env_up,env_x)
    R_low = np.sqrt(env_x**2+env_low**2)
    theta_low = np.arctan2(env_low,env_x)
    R = np.concatenate((R_up,R_low))
    theta = np.concatenate((theta_up,theta_low))
    R = R[np.argsort(theta)]
    theta = np.sort(theta)
    R_int = np.interp(theta_int,theta,R,period=2*np.pi)
    for i in range(Nsectors):
        if sectors[i]>=-np.pi and sectors[i+1]<-np.pi/2:
            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
            proj[i+1,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i+1])
            proj[i+1,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i+1])
        elif sectors[i]==-np.pi/2:
        elif sectors[i]>-np.pi/2 and sectors[i+1]<=0:
            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
            proj[i,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i])
            proj[i,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i])
        elif sectors[i]>=0 and sectors[i+1]<np.pi/2:
            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
            proj[i+1,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i+1])
            proj[i+1,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i+1])
        elif sectors[i]==np.pi/2:
        elif sectors[i]>np.pi/2 and sectors[i+1]<=np.pi:
            indices = np.where(np.logical_and(theta_int >= sectors[i],
                                              theta_int <= sectors[i+1]))
            maxR = R_int[indices].max()
            proj[i,0] = maxR*np.cos(sectors[i])
            proj[i,1] = maxR*np.sin(sectors[i])
    proj[ind,0] = env[:,0].max()
    proj[ind,1] = env[:,1].max()
    proj[ind,0] = env[:,0].min()
    proj[ind,1] = env[:,1].min()

# FIXME: Cases has a memory leek somewhere, this whole thing needs to be
# reconsidered and rely on a DataFrame instead of a dict!
class Cases(object):
    Class for the old htc_dict

    Formerly known as htc_dict: a dictionary with on the key a case identifier
    (case name) and the value is a dictionary holding all the different tags
    and value pairs which define the case


    define a public API so that plugin's can be exposed in a standarized way
    using pre defined variables:

    * pandas DataFrame backend instead of a dictionary

    * generic, so not bound to HAWC2. Goal: manage a lot of simulations
      and their corresponding inputs/outus

    * integration with OpenMDAO?

    * case id (hash)

    * case name (which is typically created with variable_tag_name method)

    * results

    * inputs

    * outputs

    a variable tags that has a dictionary mirror for database alike searching

    launch, post_launch, prepare_(re)launch should be methods of this or
    inheret from Cases

    Create a method to add and remove cases from the pool so you can perform
    some analysis on them. Maybe make a GUI that present a list with current
    cases in the pool and than checkboxes to remove them.

    Remove the HAWC2 specific parts to a HAWC2 plugin. The HAWC2 plugin will
    inheret from Cases. Proposed class name: HAWC2Cases, XFOILCases

    Rename cases to pool? A pool contains several cases, mixing several

    create a unique case ID based on the hash value of all the tag+values?

    # TODO: add a method that can reload a certain case_dict, you change
    # some parameters for each case (or some) and than launch again

    #def __init__(self, post_dir, sim_id, resdir=False):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Either load the cases dictionary if post_dir and sim_id is given,
        otherwise the input is a cases dictionary


        cases : dict
            The cases dictionary in case there is only one argument

        post_dir : str
            When using two arguments

        sim_id : str or list
            When using two arguments

        resdir : str, default=False

        loadstats : boolean, default=False

        rem_failed : boolean, default=True


        resdir = kwargs.get('resdir', False)
        self.loadstats = kwargs.get('loadstats', False)
        self.rem_failed = kwargs.get('rem_failed', True)
        self.config = kwargs.get('config', {})
        self.complib = kwargs.get('complib', 'blosc')
        # determine the input argument scenario
        if len(args) == 1:
            if type(args[0]).__name__ == 'dict':
                self.cases = args[0]
                sim_id = False
                raise ValueError('One argument input should be a cases dict')
        elif len(args) == 2:
            self.post_dir = args[0]
            sim_id = args[1]
            raise ValueError('Only one or two arguments are allowed.')

        # if sim_id is a list, than merge all sim_id's of that list
        if type(sim_id).__name__ == 'list':
            # stats, dynprop and fail are empty dictionaries if they do not
            # exist
            # and define a new sim_id based on all items from the list
            self.sim_id = '_'.join(sim_id)
        # in case we still need to load the cases dict
        elif type(sim_id).__name__ == 'str':
            self.sim_id = sim_id
            self._get_cases_dict(self.post_dir, sim_id)
            # load the statistics if applicable
            if self.loadstats:
                self.stats_df, self.Leq_df, self.AEP_df = self.load_stats()

        # change the results directory if applicable
        if resdir:

#        # try to load failed cases and remove them
#        try:
#            self.load_failed(sim_id)
#            self.remove_failed()
#        except IOError:
#            pass

        #return self.cases

    def select(self, search_keyval=False, search_key=False):
        Select only a sub set of the cases

        Select either search_keyval or search_key. Using both is not supported
        yet. Run select twice to achieve the same effect. If both are False,
        cases will be emptied!


        search_keyval : dictionary, default=False
            Keys are the column names. If the values match the ones in the
            database, the respective row gets selected. Each tag is hence
            a unique row identifier

        search_key : dict, default=False
            The key is the string that should either be inclusive (value TRUE)
            or exclusive (value FALSE) in the case key

        db = misc.DictDB(self.cases)
        if search_keyval:
        elif search_key:
            db.dict_sel = {}
        # and remove all keys that are not in the list
        remove = set(self.cases) - set(db.dict_sel)
        for k in remove:

    def launch(self, runmethod='local', verbose=False, copyback_turb=True,
               silent=False, check_log=True):
        Launch all cases

        launch(self.cases, runmethod=runmethod, verbose=verbose, silent=silent,
               check_log=check_log, copyback_turb=copyback_turb)

    def post_launch(self, save_iter=False, pbs_failed_path=False, suffix=None,
                    path_errorlog=None, silent=False):
        Post Launching Maintenance

        check the logs files and make sure result files are present and
        accounted for.


        save_iter : boolean, default=False
            Set to True to save the number of iterations per time step in
            *.iter file (in the same folder as the logfile)

        pbs_failed_path : str, default=False
            If not False, specify the path to which the *.p files of the
            failed cases should be copied to. For example, the dlctemplate
            will set this value to "pbs_in_fail".

        path_errorlog : str, default=None
            Root path of the error logfiles. If set to None (default), the
            value set in the [run_dir] tag is used as the root folder of the

        suffix : str, default=None
            If not None, the suffix will be appended to file name of the error
            log analysis file as follows: "ErrorLog_suffix.csv".
        # TODO: integrate global post_launch in here
        self.cases_fail = post_launch(self.cases, save_iter=save_iter,
                                      suffix=suffix, path_errorlog=path_errorlog)
        if pbs_failed_path is not False:
            copy_pbs_in_failedcases(self.cases_fail, path=pbs_failed_path,
        if self.rem_failed:

    def load_case(self, case):
            iterations = self.load_iterations(case)
        except IOError:
            iterations = None
        res = self.load_result_file(case)
        return res, iterations

    def load_iterations(self, case):

        fp = os.path.join(case['[run_dir]'], case['[iter_dir]'],
        return np.loadtxt(fp + '.iter')

    # TODO: HAWC2 result file reading should be moved to Simulations
    # and we should also switch to faster HAWC2 reading!
    def load_result_file(self, case, _slice=False):
        Set the correct HAWC2 channels


        case : dict
            a case dictionary holding all the tags set for this specific
            HAWC2 simulation


        res : object
            A HawcPy LoadResults instance with attributes such as sig, ch_dict,
            and much much more


        respath = os.path.join(case['[run_dir]'], case['[res_dir]'])
        resfile = case['[case_id]']
        self.res = windIO.LoadResults(respath, resfile.lower())
        if not _slice:
            _slice = np.r_[0:len(self.res.sig)]
        self.time = self.res.sig[_slice,0]
        self.sig = self.res.sig[_slice,:] = case

        return self.res

    def load_struct_results(self, case, max_modes=500, nrmodes=1000):
        Load the structural analysis result files
        fpath = os.path.join(case['[run_dir]'], case['[eigenfreq_dir]'])

        # BEAM OUTPUT
        fname = '%s_beam_output.txt' % case['[case_id]']
        beam = None

        # BODY OUTPUT
        fname = '%s_body_output.txt' % case['[case_id]']
        body = None

        # EIGEN BODY
        fname = '%s_eigen_body.txt' % case['[case_id]']
            eigen_body, rs2 = windIO.ReadEigenBody(fpath, fname, debug=False,
        except Exception as e:
            eigen_body = None
            print('failed to load eigen_body')

        # EIGEN STRUCT
        fname = '%s_eigen_struct.txt' % case['[case_id]']
            eigen_struct = windIO.ReadEigenStructure(fpath, fname, debug=False,
        except Exception as e:
            eigen_struct = None
            print('failed to load eigen_struct')

        fname = '%s_struct_inertia.txt' % case['[case_id]']
        struct_inertia = None

        return beam, body, eigen_body, eigen_struct, struct_inertia

    def change_results_dir(self, forcedir, post_dir=False):
        if the post processing concerns simulations done by thyra/gorm, and
        is downloaded locally, change path to results accordingly

        for case in self.cases:
            self.cases[case]['[run_dir]'] = forcedir
            if post_dir:
                self.cases[case]['[post_dir]'] = post_dir

        #return cases

    def _get_cases_dict(self, post_dir, sim_id):
        Load the pickled dictionary containing all the cases and their
        respective tags.


        cases : Cases object
            cases with failures removed. Failed cases are kept in

        self.cases = load_pickled_file(os.path.join(post_dir, sim_id + '.pkl'))
        self.cases_fail = {}

        if self.rem_failed:
                # ditch all the failed cases out of the htc_dict otherwise
                #  we will have fails when reading the results data files
            except IOError:
                print("couldn't find pickled failed dictionary")


    def cases2df(self):
        """Convert the cases dict to a DataFrame and check data types"""

        tag_set = []

        # maybe some cases have tags that others don't, create a set with
        # all the tags that occur
        for cname, tags in self.cases.items():
        # also add cname as a tag
        # only unique tags
        tag_set = set(tag_set)
        # and build the df_dict with all the tags
        df_dict = {tag:[] for tag in tag_set}

        for cname, tags in self.cases.items():
            current_tags = set(tags.keys())
            for tag, value in tags.items():
            # and the missing ones
            for tag in (tag_set - current_tags):

        df_dict2 = misc.df_dict_check_datatypes(df_dict)

        return pd.DataFrame(df_dict2)

    def merge_sim_ids(self, sim_id_list, silent=False):
        Load and merge for a list of sim_id's cases, fail, dynprop and stats

        For all sim_id's in the sim_id_list the cases, stats, fail and dynprop
        dictionaries are loaded. If one of them doesn't exists, an empty
        dictionary is returned.

        Currently, there is no warning given when a certain case will be
        overwritten upon merging.


        cases_merged = {}
        cases_fail_merged = {}

        for ii, sim_id in enumerate(sim_id_list):

            # TODO: give a warning if we have double entries or not?
            self.sim_id = sim_id
            self._get_cases_dict(self.post_dir, sim_id)

            # and copy to htc_dict_merged. Note that non unique keys will be
            # overwritten: each case has to have a unique name!

            # merge the statistics if applicable
            # self.stats_dict[channels] = df
            if self.loadstats:
                if ii == 0:
                    self.stats_df, self.Leq_df, self.AEP_df = self.load_stats()
                    tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 = self.load_stats()
                    self.stats_df = self.stats_df.append(tmp1)
                    if isinstance(self.Leq_df, pd.DataFrame):
                        self.Leq_df = self.Leq_df.append(tmp2)
                    if isinstance(self.AEP_df, pd.DataFrame):
                        self.AEP_df = self.AEP_df.append(tmp3)

        self.cases = cases_merged
        self.cases_fail = cases_fail_merged

    def printall(self, scenario, figpath=''):
        For all the cases, get the average value of a certain channel
        self.figpath = figpath

        # plot for each case the dashboard
        for k in self.cases:

            if scenario == 'blade_deflection':
                self.blade_deflection(self.cases[k], self.figpath)

    def diff(self, refcase_dict, cases):
        See wich tags change over the given cases of the simulation object

        # there is only one case allowed in refcase dict
        if not len(refcase_dict) == 1:
            return ValueError, 'Only one case allowed in refcase dict'

        # take an arbritrary case as baseline for comparison
        refcase = refcase_dict[list(refcase_dict.keys())[0]]
        #reftags = sim_dict[refcase]

        diffdict = dict()
        adddict = dict()
        remdict = dict()
        print('comparing %i cases' % len(cases))
        # compare each case with the refcase and see if there are any diffs
        for case in sorted(cases.keys()):
            dd = misc.DictDiff(refcase, cases[case])
            diffdict[case] = dd.changed()
            adddict[case] = dd.added()
            remdict[case] = dd.removed()
            for tag in sorted(diffdict[case]):
                print(tag.rjust(20),':', cases[case][tag])

        return diffdict, adddict, remdict

    def blade_deflection(self, case, **kwargs):

        # read the HAWC2 result file

        # select all the y deflection channels
        db = misc.DictDB(self.res.ch_dict){'sensortype' : 'state pos', 'component' : 'z'})
        # sort the keys and save the mean values to an array/list
        chiz, zvals = [], []
        for key in sorted(db.dict_sel.keys()):
            chiz.append(db.dict_sel[key]['chi']){'sensortype' : 'state pos', 'component' : 'y'})
        # sort the keys and save the mean values to an array/list
        chiy, yvals = [], []
        for key in sorted(db.dict_sel.keys()):

        return np.array(zvals), np.array(yvals)

    def remove_failed(self):

        # don't do anything if there is nothing defined
        if self.cases_fail == None:
            print('no failed cases to remove')

        # ditch all the failed cases out of the htc_dict
        # otherwise we will have fails when reading the results data files
        for k in self.cases_fail:
                self.cases_fail[k] = copy.copy(self.cases[k])
                del self.cases[k]
                print('removed from htc_dict due to error: ' + k)
            except KeyError:
                print('WARNING: failed case does not occur in cases')
                print('   ', k)

    def load_failed(self, sim_id):

        fname = os.path.join(self.post_dir, sim_id + '_fail.pkl')
        FILE = open(fname, 'rb')
        self.cases_fail = pickle.load(FILE)

    def load_stats(self, **kwargs):
        Load an existing statistcs file


        post_dir : str, default=self.post_dir

        sim_id : str, default=self.sim_id

        fpath : str, default=sim_id

        leq : bool, default=False

        columns : list, default=None
        post_dir = kwargs.get('post_dir', self.post_dir)
        sim_id = kwargs.get('sim_id', self.sim_id)
        fpath = os.path.join(post_dir, sim_id)
        Leq_df = kwargs.get('leq', False)
        columns = kwargs.get('columns', None)

            stats_df = pd.read_hdf(fpath + '_statistics.h5', 'table',
#            FILE = open(post_dir + sim_id + '_statistics.pkl', 'rb')
#            stats_dict = pickle.load(FILE)
#            FILE.close()
        except IOError:
            stats_df = None
            print('NO STATS FOUND FOR', sim_id)

            AEP_df = pd.read_hdf(fpath + '_AEP.h5', 'table')
        except IOError:
            AEP_df = None
            print('NO AEP FOUND FOR', sim_id)

        if Leq_df: