David Verelst authoredDavid Verelst authored
mplutils.py 10.15 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 23 11:22:50 2011
@author: dave
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import range
from builtins import int
from builtins import dict
from builtins import round
from future import standard_library
# external libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
# use a headless backend
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigCanvas
# wafo is an optional dependency only required for non default PSD peak marking
import wafo
except ImportError:
def make_fig(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,8), dpi=120):
Equivalent function of pyplot.subplots(). The difference is that this one
is not interactive and is used with backend plotting only.
nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,8), dpi=120
fig, canvas, axes
return subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
def subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,8), dpi=120, num=0):
Equivalent function of pyplot.subplots(). The difference is that this one
is not interactive and is used with backend plotting only.
nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,8), dpi=120
num : dummy variable for compatibility
fig, axes
fig = mpl.figure.Figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
canvas = FigCanvas(fig)
axes = np.ndarray((nrows, ncols), dtype=np.object)
plt_nr = 1
for row in range(nrows):
for col in range(ncols):
axes[row,col] = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, plt_nr)
plt_nr += 1
return fig, axes
def match_axis_ticks(ax1, ax2, ax1_format=None, ax2_format=None):
Match ticks of ax2 to ax1
ax1_format: '%1.1f'
ax1, ax2
ax1, ax2
# match the ticks of ax2 to ax1
yticks1 = len(ax1.get_yticks())
ylim2 = ax2.get_ylim()
yticks2 = np.linspace(ylim2[0], ylim2[1], num=yticks1).tolist()
# give the tick labels a given precision
if ax1_format:
majorFormatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter(ax1_format)
if ax2_format:
majorFormatter = mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter(ax2_format)
return ax1, ax2
def one_legend(*args, **kwargs):
"""First list all the axes as arguments. Any keyword arguments will be
passed on to ax.legend(). Legend will be placed on the last axes that was
passed as an argument.
# or more general: not only simple line plots (bars, hist, ...)
objs = []
for ax in args:
objs += ax.get_legend_handles_labels()[0]
# objs = [ax.get_legend_handles_labels()[0] for ax in args]
labels = [obj.get_label() for obj in objs]
# place the legend on the last axes
leg = ax.legend(objs, labels, **kwargs)
return leg
def p4psd(ax, rpm_mean, p_max=17, y_pos_rel=0.25, color='g', ls='--',
Add the P's on a PSD
fn_max is the maximum value on the plot (ax.xlim). This only works when
setting the xlim of the plot before calling p4psd.
p_max : int, default=17
y_pos_rel : int or list, default=0.25
if isinstance(y_pos_rel, float) or isinstance(y_pos_rel, int):
y_pos_rel = [y_pos_rel]*p_max
f_min = ax.get_xlim()[0]
f_max = ax.get_xlim()[1]
# add the P's
bbox = dict(boxstyle="round", edgecolor=color, facecolor=color)
for i, p in enumerate(range(1, p_max)):
p_freq = p * rpm_mean / 60.0
if p_freq > f_max:
if p%3 == 0:
ax.axvline(x=p_freq, linewidth=1, color=color, alpha=0.7, ls=ls)
alpha = 0.2
ax.axvline(x=p_freq, linewidth=1, color=color, alpha=0.7, ls=ls)
x = (p_freq - f_min) / (f_max - f_min)
y = y_pos_rel[i]
p_str = '%iP' % p
bbox['alpha'] = alpha
ax.text(x, y, p_str, fontsize=8, verticalalignment='bottom',
horizontalalignment='center', bbox=bbox, color=col_text,
return ax
def peaks(ax, freqs, Pxx, fn_max, min_h, nr_peaks=15, col_line='k',
ypos_mean=0.14, col_text='w', ypos_delta=0.06, bbox_alpha=0.5):
indicate the peaks
i_fn_max = np.abs(freqs - fn_max).argmin()
# ignore everything above fn_max
freqs = freqs[:i_fn_max]
Pxx = Pxx[:i_fn_max]
Pxx_log = 10.*np.log10(Pxx)
pi = wafo.misc.findpeaks(Pxx_log, n=len(Pxx), min_h=min_h)
print('len Pxx', len(Pxx_log), 'nr of peaks:', len(pi))
except Exception as e:
print('len Pxx', len(Pxx_log))
print('*** wafo.misc.findpeaks FAILED ***')
return ax
# only take the nr_peaks most significant heights
pi = pi[:nr_peaks]
# and sort them accoriding to frequency (or index)
# mark the peaks with a circle
# ax.plot(freqs[pi], Pxx[:xlim][pi], 'o')
# and mark all peaks
switch = True
yrange_plot = Pxx_log.max() - Pxx_log.min()
for peak_nr, ii in enumerate(pi):
freq_peak = freqs[ii]
# Pxx_peak = Pxx_log[ii]
# take the average frequency and plot vertical line
ax.axvline(x=freq_peak, linewidth=1, color=col_line, alpha=0.6)
# and the value in a text box
textbox = '%2.2f' % freq_peak
if switch:
# locate at the min value (down the plot), but a little
# lower so it does not interfere with the plot itself
# if ax.set_yscale('log') True, set log values as coordinates!
text_ypos = Pxx_log.min() + yrange_plot*0.1
text_ypos = ypos_mean + ypos_delta
switch = False
# put it a little lower than the max value so it does
# not mess with the title (up the plot)
text_ypos = Pxx_log.min() - yrange_plot*0.4
text_ypos = ypos_mean - ypos_delta
switch = True
# print('%2.2e %2.2e %2.2e' % (yrange_plot, Pxx[:xlim].max(), Pxx[:xlim].min())
# print peak, text_ypos
# print textbox
# print yrange_plot
xrel = freq_peak/fn_max
ax.text(xrel, text_ypos, textbox, fontsize=10, transform=ax.transAxes,
va='bottom', color=col_text, bbox=dict(boxstyle="round",
ec=col_line, fc=col_line, alpha=bbox_alpha,))
return ax
def match_yticks(ax1, ax2, nr_ticks_forced=None, extend=False):
if nr_ticks_forced is None:
nr_yticks1 = len(ax1.get_yticks())
nr_yticks1 = nr_ticks_forced
ylim1 = ax1.get_ylim()
yticks1 = np.linspace(ylim1[0], ylim1[1], num=nr_yticks1).tolist()
ylim2 = ax2.get_ylim()
yticks2 = np.linspace(ylim2[0], ylim2[1], num=nr_yticks1).tolist()
if extend:
offset1 = (ylim1[1] - ylim1[0])*0.1
ax1.set_ylim(ylim1[0]-offset1, ylim1[1]+offset1)
offset2 = (ylim2[1] - ylim2[0])*0.1
ax2.set_ylim(ylim2[0]-offset2, ylim2[1]+offset2)
return ax1, ax2
def time_psd(results, labels, axes, alphas=[1.0, 0.7], colors=['k-', 'r-'],
NFFT=None, res_param=250, f0=0, f1=None, nr_peaks=10, min_h=15,
mark_peaks=False, xlabels=['frequency [Hz]', 'time [s]'],
ypos_peaks=[0.04, 0.9], ypos_peaks_delta=0.12):
Plot time series and the corresponding PSD of the channel.
The frequency range depends on the sample rate: fn_max = sps/2.
The number of points is: NFFT/2
Consequently, the frequency resolution is: NFFT/SPS (points/Hz)
len(data) > NFFT otherwise the results do not make any sense
res_param = NFFT*frequency_range*sps
good range for nondim_resolution is: 200-300
Frequency range is based on f0 and f1
for the PSD powers of 2 are faster, but the difference in performance with
any other random number fluctuates on average and is not that relevant.
Requires two axes!
With the PSD peaks this only works nicely for 2 results
results : list
list of time,data pairs (ndarrays)
axes = axes.ravel()
for i, res in enumerate(results):
time, data = res
label = labels[i]
col = colors[i]
alpha = alphas[i]
sps = int(round(1.0/np.diff(time).mean(), 0))
if f1 is None:
f1 = sps/2.0
if NFFT is None:
nfft = int(round(res_param * sps / (f1-f0), 0))
elif isinstance(NFFT, list):
nfft = NFFT[i]
nfft = NFFT
if nfft > len(data):
nfft = len(data)
# calculate the PSD
Pxx, freqs = mpl.mlab.psd(data, NFFT=nfft, Fs=sps)
i0 = np.abs(freqs - f0).argmin()
i1 = np.abs(freqs - f1).argmin()
# plotting psd, marking peaks
axes[0].plot(freqs[i0:i1], Pxx[i0:i1], col, label=label, alpha=alpha)
if mark_peaks:
axes[0] = peaks(axes[0], freqs[i0:i1], Pxx[i0:i1], fn_max=f1,
nr_peaks=nr_peaks, col_line=col[:1],
ypos_delta=ypos_peaks_delta, bbox_alpha=0.5,
ypos_mean=ypos_peaks[i], min_h=min_h, col_text='w')
# plotting time series
axes[1].plot(time, data, col, label=label, alpha=alpha)
if isinstance(xlabels, list):
for ax in axes:
leg = ax.legend(loc='best', borderaxespad=0)
# leg is None when no labels have been defined
if leg is not None:
return axes
if __name__ == '__main__':