David Verelst authored
Note that this illustrates that a documented and consistent tag standard naming scheme is long overdue!
David Verelst authoredNote that this illustrates that a documented and consistent tag standard naming scheme is long overdue!
dlcdefs.py 16.02 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 5 14:01:25 2014
@author: dave
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import str
from future.utils import viewitems
from future import standard_library
import os
import unittest
import pandas as pd
from wetb.prepost import misc
def casedict2xlsx():
Convert a full Cases.cases dict to Excel spreadsheets
def configure_dirs(verbose=False):
Automatically configure required directories to launch simulations
P_RUN = str(os.getcwd())
p_run_root = os.sep.join(P_RUN.split(os.sep)[:-2])
# MODEL SOURCES, exchanche file sources
# Project name, sim_id: derive from folder name
PROJECT = P_RUN.split(os.sep)[-2]
sim_id = P_RUN.split(os.sep)[-1]
master = find_master_file(P_SOURCE)
if master is None:
raise ValueError('Could not find master file in htc/_master')
P_MASTERFILE = os.path.join(P_SOURCE, 'htc%s_master%s' % (os.sep, os.sep))
POST_DIR = os.path.join(p_run_root, PROJECT, sim_id, 'prepost-data%s' % os.sep)
if verbose:
print('POST_DIR: %s' % POST_DIR)
print(' P_RUN: %s' % P_RUN)
print('P_SOURCE: %s' % P_SOURCE)
print(' PROJECT: %s' % PROJECT)
print(' sim_id: %s' % sim_id)
print(' master: %s' % MASTERFILE)
def find_master_file(proot, htc_dir='htc', master_dir='_master',
Find the master file name. It is assumed that the master file is in the
folder _master, under htc, and contains _master_ in the file name.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(proot, htc_dir, master_dir)):
for fname in files:
if fname.find(master_contains) > -1:
return fname
return None
def variable_tag_func(master, case_id_short=False):
When using the Excel definitions, and the whole default setup, the
variable_tag_func is not required to do anything extra.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mt = master
# V = mt['windspeed']
# mt['duration'] = mt['time_stop'] - mt['t0']
# t = mt['duration']
# if V > abs(1e-15):
# b = 5.6
# mt['TI'] = mt['TI_ref'] * ((0.75*V) + b) / V # NTM
# # ETM
# c = 2.0
# V_ave = 0.2 * 50.0
# sigma = mt['TI_ref'] / V
# mt['TI'] = sigma * c * (0.072 * (V_ave / c + 3.0) * (V / c - 4.0) + 10.0)
# else:
# mt['TI'] = 0
# mt['turb_dx'] = V*t/mt['turb_grid_x']
# mt['turb_dy'] = (mt['rotor_diameter'] / mt['turb_grid_yz'])*1.1
# mt['turb_dz'] = (mt['rotor_diameter'] / mt['turb_grid_yz'])*1.1
# # check: dx spacing should be 0.1*mean_windspeed and 0.2*mean_windspeed
# # between 0.1 and 0.2 seconds between points
# if not (V*0.1 < mt['turb_dx'] < V*0.2):
# logging.warn('turbulence spacing dx out of bounds')
# print('%5.3f %5.3f %5.3f' % (V*0.1, mt['turb_dx'], V*0.2))
# #mt['turb_base_name'] = 'turb_s' + str(mt['turb_seed']) + '_' + str(V)
# mt['turb_base_name'] = 'turb_s%i_%1.2f' % (mt['turb_seed'], V)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
return master
def vartags_dlcs(master):
mt = master.tags
dlc_case = mt['[Case folder]']
mt['[data_dir]'] = 'data/'
mt['[res_dir]'] = 'res/%s/' % dlc_case
mt['[log_dir]'] = 'logfiles/%s/' % dlc_case
mt['[htc_dir]'] = 'htc/%s/' % dlc_case
mt['[case_id]'] = mt['[Case id.]']
mt['[time_stop]'] = mt['[time stop]']
mt['[turb_base_name]'] = mt['[Turb base name]']
mt['[DLC]'] = mt['[Case id.]'].split('_')[0][3:]
mt['[pbs_out_dir]'] = 'pbs_out/%s/' % dlc_case
mt['[pbs_in_dir]'] = 'pbs_in/%s/' % dlc_case
mt['[iter_dir]'] = 'iter/%s/' % dlc_case
if mt['[eigen_analysis]']:
rpl = (dlc_case, mt['[Case id.]'])
mt['[eigenfreq_dir]'] = 'res_eigen/%s/%s/' % rpl
mt['[duration]'] = str(float(mt['[time_stop]']) - float(mt['[t0]']))
# replace nan with empty
for ii, jj in mt.items():
if jj == 'nan':
mt[ii] = ''
return master
def tags_dlcs(master):
Initiate tags that are defined in the DLC spreadsheets
master.tags['[t0]'] = 0
master.tags['[time stop]'] = 0
master.tags['[Case folder]'] = 'test'
master.tags['[Case id.]'] = 'test'
master.tags['[Windspeed]'] = 8
master.tags['[wdir]'] = 0 # used for the user defined wind
master.tags['[wdir_rot]'] = 0 # used for the windfield rotations
master.tags['[tu_seed]'] = 0
master.tags['[tu_model]'] = 0
master.tags['[TI]'] = 0
master.tags['[Turb base name]'] = 'none'
master.tags['[turb_dx]'] = 1.0
master.tags['[shear_exp]'] = 0.2
master.tags['[wsp factor]'] = 1.0
master.tags['[gust]'] = False
master.tags['[gust_type]'] = ''
master.tags['[G_A]'] = ''
master.tags['[G_phi0]'] = ''
master.tags['[G_t0]'] = ''
master.tags['[G_T]'] = ''
master.tags['[Rotor azimuth]'] = 0
master.tags['[Free shaft rot]'] = ''
master.tags['[init_wr]'] = 0.5
master.tags['[Pitch 1 DLC22b]'] = 0
master.tags['[Rotor locked]'] = False
master.tags['[Time stuck DLC22b]'] = -1
master.tags['[Cut-in time]'] = -1
master.tags['[Cut-out time]'] = -1
master.tags['[Stop type]'] = -1
master.tags['[Pitvel 1]'] = 4
master.tags['[Pitvel 2]'] = 6
master.tags['[Grid loss time]'] = 1000
master.tags['[out_format]'] = 'hawc_binary'
master.tags['[Time pitch runaway]'] = 1000
master.tags['[Induction]'] = 1
master.tags['[Dyn stall]'] = 1
# required tags for the MannTurb64 standalone turbulence box generator
master.tags['[MannAlfaEpsilon]'] = 1.0
master.tags['[MannL]'] = 29.4
master.tags['[MannGamma]'] = 3.0
master.tags['[turb_nr_u]'] = 8192
master.tags['[turb_nr_v]'] = 32
master.tags['[turb_nr_w]'] = 32
master.tags['[turb_dx]'] = 1
master.tags['[turb_dy]'] = 6.5
master.tags['[turb_dz]'] = 6.5
master.tags['[high_freq_comp]'] = 1
return master
def tags_defaults(master):
# other required tags and their defaults
master.tags['[dt_sim]'] = 0.02
master.tags['[hawc2_exe]'] = 'hawc2-latest'
# folder names for the saved results, htc, data, zip files
# Following dirs are relative to the model_dir_server and they specify
# the location of where the results, logfiles, animation files that where
# run on the server should be copied to after the simulation has finished.
# on the node, it will try to copy the turbulence files from these dirs
master.tags['[animation_dir]'] = 'animation/'
master.tags['[control_dir]'] = 'control/'
master.tags['[data_dir]'] = 'data/'
master.tags['[eigen_analysis]'] = False
master.tags['[eigenfreq_dir]'] = False
master.tags['[htc_dir]'] = 'htc/'
master.tags['[log_dir]'] = 'logfiles/'
master.tags['[meander_dir]'] = False
master.tags['[opt_dir]'] = False
master.tags['[pbs_in_dir]'] = 'pbs_in/'
master.tags['[pbs_out_dir]'] = 'pbs_out/'
master.tags['[res_dir]'] = 'res/'
master.tags['[iter_dir]'] = 'iter/'
master.tags['[turb_dir]'] = 'turb/'
master.tags['[turb_db_dir]'] = '../turb/'
master.tags['[wake_dir]'] = False
master.tags['[hydro_dir]'] = False
master.tags['[mooring_dir]'] = False
master.tags['[externalforce]'] = False
# required tags for the MannTurb64 standalone turbulence box generator
master.tags['[MannAlfaEpsilon]'] = 1.0
master.tags['[MannL]'] = 29.4
master.tags['[MannGamma]'] = 3.0
master.tags['[turb_nr_u]'] = 8192
master.tags['[turb_nr_v]'] = 32
master.tags['[turb_nr_w]'] = 32
master.tags['[turb_dx]'] = 1
master.tags['[turb_dy]'] = 6.5
master.tags['[turb_dz]'] = 6.5
master.tags['[high_freq_comp]'] = 1
# zip_root_files only is used when copy to run_dir and zip creation, define
# in the HtcMaster object
master.tags['[zip_root_files]'] = []
# only active on PBS level, so files have to be present in the run_dir
master.tags['[copyback_files]'] = [] # copyback_resultfile
master.tags['[copyback_frename]'] = [] # copyback_resultrename
master.tags['[copyto_files]'] = [] # copyto_inputfile
master.tags['[copyto_generic]'] = [] # copyto_input_required_defaultname
master.tags['[eigen_analysis]'] = False
# =========================================================================
# basic required tags by HtcMaster and PBS in order to function properly
# =========================================================================
# the express queue ('#PBS -q xpresq') has a maximum walltime of 1h
master.tags['[pbs_queue_command]'] = '#PBS -q workq'
# walltime should have following format: hh:mm:ss
master.tags['[walltime]'] = '04:00:00'
master.tags['[auto_walltime]'] = False
return master
def excel_stabcon(proot, fext='xlsx', pignore=None, pinclude=None, sheet=0,
Read all MS Excel files that hold load case definitions according to
the team STABCON definitions. Save each case in a list according to the
opt_tags principles as used in Simulations.launch(). This method assumes
that a standard HAWC2 folder layout is used with the following folder
names: res, logfiles, htc, pbs_out, pbs_in, iter. Further some tags
are added to be compatible with the tag convention in the Simulations
The opt_tags case list is sorted according to the Excel file names, and
follows the same ordering as in each of the different Excel files.
proot : string
Path that will be searched recursively for Excel files containing
load case definitions.
fext : string, default='xlsx'
File extension of the Excel files that should be loaded
pignore : string, default=None
Specify which string can not occur in the full path of the DLC target.
pinclude : string, default=None
Specify which string has to occur in the full path of the DLC target.
sheet : string or int, default=0
Name or index of the Excel sheet to be considered. By default, the
first sheet (index=0) is taken.
opt_tags : list of dicts
A list of case dictionaries, where each case dictionary holds all
the tag/value key pairs for a single given case.
if not silent:
print('looking for DLC spreadsheet definitions at:')
dict_dfs = misc.read_excel_files(proot, fext=fext, pignore=pignore,
sheet=sheet, pinclude=pinclude,
if not silent:
print('found %i Excel file(s), ' % len(dict_dfs), end='')
k = 0
for df in dict_dfs:
k += len(df)
if not silent:
print('in which a total of %s cases are defined.' % k)
opt_tags = []
for (dlc, df) in sorted(viewitems(dict_dfs)):
# replace ';' with False, and Nan(='') with True
# this is more easy when testing for the presence of stuff compared
# to checking if a value is either True/False or ''/';'
# this doesn't work, it will result in 1 for True and 0 for False
# because the nan values have np.float dtype
# df.fillna(' ', inplace=True)
# df.replace(';', False, inplace=True)
# instead, convert everything to strings, this will maintain some nans
# as empty strings, but not all of them!
df2 = df.astype(str)
for count, row in df2.iterrows():
tags_dict = {}
# construct to dict, convert unicode keys/values to strings
for key, value in row.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, str):
tags_dict[str(key)] = str(value)
tags_dict[str(key)] = value
# convert ; and empty to False/True
if isinstance(tags_dict[str(key)], str):
if tags_dict[str(key)] == ';':
tags_dict[str(key)] = False
elif tags_dict[str(key)] == '':
tags_dict[str(key)] = True
elif tags_dict[str(key)].lower() == 'nan':
tags_dict[str(key)] = True
if '[Windspeed]' not in tags_dict and '[wsp]' in tags_dict:
tags_dict['[Windspeed]'] = tags_dict['[wsp]']
tags_dict['[Case folder]'] = tags_dict['[Case folder]'].lower()
tags_dict['[Case id.]'] = tags_dict['[Case id.]'].lower()
dlc_case = tags_dict['[Case folder]']
tags_dict['[data_dir]'] = 'data/'
tags_dict['[res_dir]'] = 'res/%s/' % dlc_case
tags_dict['[log_dir]'] = 'logfiles/%s/' % dlc_case
tags_dict['[htc_dir]'] = 'htc/%s/' % dlc_case
if '[Case id.]' in tags_dict.keys():
tags_dict['[case_id]'] = tags_dict['[Case id.]']
if '[time stop]' in tags_dict.keys():
tags_dict['[time_stop]'] = tags_dict['[time stop]']
tags_dict['[time stop]'] = tags_dict['[time_stop]']
tags_dict['[turb_base_name]'] = tags_dict['[Turb base name]']
except KeyError:
tags_dict['[turb_base_name]'] = None
tags_dict['[Turb base name]'] = None
tags_dict['[DLC]'] = tags_dict['[Case id.]'].split('_')[0][3:]
tags_dict['[pbs_out_dir]'] = 'pbs_out/%s/' % dlc_case
tags_dict['[pbs_in_dir]'] = 'pbs_in/%s/' % dlc_case
tags_dict['[iter_dir]'] = 'iter/%s/' % dlc_case
# the default spreadsheets do not define the tags related to the
# eigen analsyis yet
if '[eigen_analysis]' in tags_dict and tags_dict['[eigen_analysis]']:
rpl = (dlc_case, tags_dict['[Case id.]'])
if '[eigenfreq_dir]' in tags_dict:
tags_dict['[eigenfreq_dir]'] = 'res_eigen/%s/%s/' % rpl
t_stop = float(tags_dict['[time_stop]'])
t0 = float(tags_dict['[t0]'])
tags_dict['[duration]'] = str(t_stop - t0)
return opt_tags
def read_tags_spreadsheet(fname):
"""Read a spreadsheet with HAWC2 tags, make sure no 0/1/nan ends up
replacing the ";" or "" (empty). Do not add any other tags.
opt_tags : [{}, {}] list of dictionaries
df = pd.read_excel(fname)
df2 = df.astype(str)
opt_tags = []
for count, row in df2.iterrows():
tags_dict = {}
# construct to dict, convert unicode keys/values to strings
for key, value in row.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
tags_dict[str(key)] = str(value)
tags_dict[str(key)] = value
# convert ; and empty to False/True
if tags_dict[str(key)] == ';':
tags_dict[str(key)] = False
elif tags_dict[str(key)] == '':
tags_dict[str(key)] = True
elif tags_dict[str(key)].lower() == 'nan':
tags_dict[str(key)] = True
return opt_tags
class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/DLCs')
def test_read_tag_exchange_file(self):
df_list = misc.read_excel_files(self.fpath, fext='xlsx', pignore=None,
sheet=0, pinclude=None)
# df = df_list[list(df_list.keys())[0]]
# df.fillna('', inplace=True)
# df.replace(';', False, inplace=True)
def test_excel_stabcon(self):
opt_tags = excel_stabcon(self.fpath)
if __name__ == '__main__':