Mads M. Pedersen authoredMads M. Pedersen authored
caching.py 4.03 KiB
Created on 07/02/2014
@author: MMPE
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future import standard_library
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import inspect
import numpy as np
def set_cache_property(obj, name, get_func, set_func=None):
"""Create a cached property
obj : object
Class to add property to
name : str
Name of property
get_func : func
Getter function
set_func : func, optional
Setter function
>>> class Example(object):
>>> def __init__(self):
>>> set_cache_property(self, "test", self.slow_function)
>>> e = Example()
>>> e.test # Call, store and return result of e.slow_function
>>> e.test # Return stored result of e.slow_function
>>> e._test = None # clear cache result
>>> e.test # Call, store and return result of e.slow_function
_name = "_" + name
setattr(obj, _name, None)
def get(self):
if getattr(obj, _name) is None:
setattr(obj, _name, get_func())
return getattr(obj, _name)
p = property(lambda self:get(self), set_func)
return setattr(obj.__class__, name, p)
def cache_function(f):
"""Cache function decorator
>>> class Example(object):
>>> @cache_function
>>> def slow_function(self):
>>> # calculate slow result
>>> return 1
>>> e = Example()
>>> e.slow_function() # Call, store and return result of e.slow_function
>>> e.slow_function() # Return stored result of e.slow_function
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
name = "_" + f.__name__
if not hasattr(self, name) or getattr(self, name) is None or kwargs.get("reload", False):
del kwargs['reload']
except KeyError:
# ======HERE============
setattr(self, name, f(*args, **kwargs))
# ======================
if not hasattr(self, "cache_attr_lst"):
self.cache_attr_lst = set()
def clear_cache():
for attr in self.cache_attr_lst:
delattr(self, attr)
self.cache_attr_lst = set()
self.clear_cache = clear_cache
return getattr(self, name)
version = sys.version_info
if version >= (3,3):
if 'reload' in inspect.signature(f).parameters.values():
raise AttributeError("Functions decorated with cache_function are not allowed to take a parameter called 'reload'")
elif 'reload' in inspect.getargspec(f)[0]:
raise AttributeError("Functions decorated with cache_function are not allowed to take a parameter called 'reload'")
return wrap
class cache_method():
def __init__(self, N):
self.N = N
self.cache_dict = OrderedDict()
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapped(*args):
name = "_" + f.__name__
arg_id = ";".join([str(a) for a in args])
if arg_id not in self.cache_dict:
self.cache_dict[arg_id] = f(*args)
if len(self.cache_dict)>self.N:
return self.cache_dict[arg_id]
return wrapped
def cache_binary(f):
def wrap(filename,*args,**kwargs):
np_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".npy"
if os.path.isfile(np_filename) and (not os.path.isfile(filename) or os.path.getmtime(np_filename) > os.path.getmtime(filename)):
return np.load(np_filename)
res = f(filename,*args,**kwargs)
return res
return wrap