* Gorm (Note that you must activate the wetb environment (see Step 5 [here](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/getting-started-with-dlbs.md)
* Gorm (you must activate the wetb environment (see Step 5 [here](https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/blob/master/docs/getting-started-with-dlbs.md)
) before this will work. This command also assumes the folder with your text
) before this command will work. This command also assumes the folder with your
files is called "DLCs_onshore" and is located in the working directory.):
text files is called "DLCs_onshore" and is located in the working directory.):