The Wind Energy Toolbox has a workflow for automatically running design load
bases (DLBs) on Gorm.
This workflow has the following steps:
1.[Create a master Excel sheet defining each case in the DLB](
2.[Create subordinate Excel sheets from each tab in the master Excel sheet](
3. Create htc files and PBS job scripts for each requisite simulation using
the subordinate Excel files and a master htc file.
4. Submit all PBS job scripts to the cluster
5. Post-process results
6. Visualize results
This tutorial presents how to accomplish Step 3.
Note that it is possible to customize your simulations by skipping/modifying
Such a procedure will be discussed in a later tutorial.
If there are any problems with this tutorial, please [submit an issue](
The main function used in this tutorial is [](,
which creates all htc and PBS job scripts for the cases specified in the
subordinate Excel file folder.
The htc files are the main input files for HAWC2 simulations.
They are created by copying the master htc file in the ```_master/``` folder in
your htc directory and replacing all of the tags with the values specified in
the subordinate Excel files.
All of htc files for a single case are saved in a case-specific folder in your
htc folder.
Thus, if you were running a standard DLB calculation for IEC 61400-1, your
folder structure after generating your htc files might look like this:
| |-- $SET_ID/
| | |-- DLCs.xlsx
| | |-- _master/
| | | |-- $
| | |-- DLCs/
| | |-- htc/
| | | |-- dlc12_iec61400-1ed3/
| | | | |--
| | | | |--
| | | | |-- ...
| | | |-- dlc13_iec61400-1ed3/
| | | |-- ...
The PBS job scripts are a series of text files that are used to tell the job
scheduler on the high-performance computing (HPC) cluster how to run each job.
These files end with ".p", and are saved to a folder ```pbs_in/``` that is
created in the main set ID folder on Gorm.
## 2. Tutorial
There are two ways to call ``````.
The first is to call the function directly.
The second is to wrap it in a job scheduler to submit the job to the HPC cluster.
The first option is fine if you have only a few htc files or if the job
scheduler is not working for some reason.
### 2.1 Directly generate htc files
The htc and PBS files can be directly generated by running the following