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Commit 934e873a authored by David Verelst's avatar David Verelst
Browse files

some of the continued work on h2_vs_hs2 was done in the old prepost instead of...

some of the continued work on h2_vs_hs2 was done in the old prepost instead of the new wetb: updated plots, more comparison cases
parent ffa51440
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......@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ class Configurations:
# when induction is on, especially the low wind speeds will need more time
# to reach steady state in HAWC2 compared to when there is no induction.
aero_full = {'[aerocalc]':1, '[Induction]':1, '[tip_loss]':1,
'[Dyn stall]':1, '[t0]':500, '[time stop]':550}
'[Dyn stall]':0, '[t0]':700, '[time stop]':750}
aero_ind = {'[aerocalc]':1, '[Induction]':1, '[tip_loss]':0,
'[Dyn stall]':0, '[t0]':700, '[time stop]':750}
blade_stiff_pitchC4 = {'[blade_damp_x]':0.01, '[blade_damp_y]':0.01,
'[blade_damp_z]':0.01, '[blade_set]':4,
......@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ class Configurations:
'[c12]':False, '[c14]':True,
'[ae_tolrel]': 1e-7,
'[ae_itmax]' : 2000,
'[ae_1relax]': 0.2}
'[ae_1relax]': 0.0}
# B0002
flex_tstiff_pc14_cgsheac14 = {'[blade_damp_x]':0.13, '[blade_damp_y]':0.13,
'[blade_damp_z]':0.15, '[blade_set]':1,
......@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ class Configurations:
'[c12]':False, '[c14]':True,
'[ae_tolrel]': 1e-7,
'[ae_itmax]' : 2000,
'[ae_1relax]': 0.7}
'[ae_1relax]': 0.0}
# B0003
flex_pc14_cgsheac14 = {'[blade_damp_x]':0.13, '[blade_damp_y]':0.13,
'[blade_damp_z]':0.15, '[blade_set]':1,
......@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ class Configurations:
'[c12]':False, '[c14]':True,
'[ae_tolrel]': 1e-7,
'[ae_itmax]' : 2000,
'[ae_1relax]': 0.7}
'[ae_1relax]': 0.0}
# B0004
flex_pc12_cgsheac12 = {'[blade_damp_x]':0.15, '[blade_damp_y]':0.15,
'[blade_damp_z]':0.17, '[blade_set]':1,
......@@ -188,8 +190,8 @@ class Configurations:
'[c12]':True, '[c14]':False,
'[ae_tolrel]': 1e-7,
'[ae_itmax]' : 2000,
'[ae_1relax]': 0.7}
# B0005, B0006
'[ae_1relax]': 0.0}
# B0005, B0006, B0007, B0008
flex_pc12_cgshc14_eac12 = {'[blade_damp_x]':0.15, '[blade_damp_y]':0.15,
'[blade_damp_z]':0.17, '[blade_set]':1,
'[blade_subset]':8, '[blade_posx]':0.00,
......@@ -198,8 +200,17 @@ class Configurations:
'[c12]':True, '[c14]':False,
'[ae_tolrel]': 1e-7,
'[ae_itmax]' : 2000,
'[ae_1relax]': 0.98}
'[ae_1relax]': 0.0}
# B0009
stiff_pc12_cgsheac14 = {'[blade_damp_x]':0.01, '[blade_damp_y]':0.01,
'[blade_damp_z]':0.01, '[blade_set]':1,
'[blade_subset]':2, '[blade_posx]':0.00,
'[blade_nbodies]': 17,
'[st_file]' :'',
'[c12]':True, '[c14]':False,
'[ae_tolrel]': 1e-7,
'[ae_itmax]' : 2000,
'[ae_1relax]': 0.0}
def __init__(self):
......@@ -865,6 +876,7 @@ class MappingsH2HS2(object):
h2_aero['F_x'] *= (1e3)
h2_aero['F_y'] *= (1e3)
h2_aero['M'] *= (1e3)
h2_aero['M'] -= (h2_aero['F_y']*1.5)
# # HAWC2 includes root and tip nodes, while HAWC2 doesn't. Remove them
# h2_aero = h2_aero[1:-1]
self.h2_aero = h2_aero
......@@ -951,13 +963,17 @@ class Plots(object):
self.hsls = '--'
self.errls = '-'
self.errc = 'k'
self.errlab = 'diff [\\%]'
self.errms = 'x'
# self.errlab = 'diff [\\%]'
self.errlab = 'diff'
self.interactive = False
self.dist_size = (16, 11)
self.dist_nrows = 3
self.dist_ncols = 4
self.dist_channels = ['pos_x', 'pos_y', 'AoA', 'inflow_angle',
'Cl', 'Cd', 'vrel', 'ax_ind_vel',
'F_x', 'F_y', 'M']
'F_x', 'F_y', 'M', 'torsion']
def load_h2(self, fname_h2, h2_df_stats=None, fname_h2_tors=None):
......@@ -1009,7 +1025,8 @@ class Plots(object):
print('saved:', fname)
def distribution(self, results, labels, title, channels, x_ax='pos_z',
xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]', nrows=2, ncols=4, size=(16, 5)):
xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]', nrows=2, ncols=4, size=(16, 5),
Compare blade distribution results
......@@ -1030,6 +1047,8 @@ class Plots(object):
ax.plot(radius2, res2[chan].values, color=self.hsc,
label=lab2, alpha=0.7, marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls)
ax.set_ylabel(chan.replace('_', '\\_'))
xlim = max(radius1.max(), radius2.max())
ax.set_xlim([0, xlim])
# if len(radius1) > len(radius2):
# radius = res1.hs_aero['pos_z'].values[n0:]
......@@ -1055,27 +1074,23 @@ class Plots(object):
# qq1 = res1.hs_aero[chan].values[n0:]
# qq2 = interpolate.griddata(x, y, radius)
# calculate moment arm
if chan == 'M':
arm = res1.M / res1.F_y
axr = ax.twinx()
labr = lab1 + ' moment arm'
axr.plot(radius1, arm, color=self.errc, label=labr, alpha=0.6,
ls=self.errls, marker=self.h2ms)
# relative errors on the right axes
err = np.abs(1.0 - (res1[chan].values / res2[chan].values))*100.0
axr = ax.twinx()
axr.plot(radius1, err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls,
alpha=0.6, label=self.errlab)
if err.max() > 50:
axr.set_ylim([0, 35])
# use axr for the legend
lines = ax.lines + axr.lines
labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]
leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')
# relative errors on the right axes
# err = np.abs(1.0 - (res1[chan].values / res2[chan].values))*100.0
# absolute errors on the right axes
err = res1[chan].values[i0:] - res2[chan].values[i0:]
axr = ax.twinx()
axr.plot(radius1[i0:], err, color=self.errc, ls=self.errls,
alpha=0.6, label=self.errlab, marker=self.errms)
# if err.max() > 50:
# axr.set_ylim([0, 35])
# use axr for the legend, but only for the first plot
if i == 0:
lines = ax.lines + axr.lines
labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]
leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')
# x-label only on the last row
for k in range(ncols):
......@@ -1121,7 +1136,9 @@ class Plots(object):
fig, axes = self.distribution(results, labels, title, self.dist_channels,
x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
nrows=3, ncols=4, size=self.dist_size)
return fig, axes
......@@ -1136,7 +1153,9 @@ class Plots(object):
fig, axes = self.distribution(results, labels, title, self.dist_channels,
x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
nrows=3, ncols=4, size=self.dist_size)
return fig, axes
......@@ -1158,7 +1177,9 @@ class Plots(object):
fig, axes = self.distribution(res, labels, title, self.dist_channels,
x_ax='pos_z', xlabel='Z-coordinate [m]',
nrows=3, ncols=4, size=self.dist_size)
return fig, axes
......@@ -1197,11 +1218,12 @@ class Plots(object):
ax = axes[0]
key = 'P_aero'
yerr = results.pwr_h2_std[key]
ax.errorbar(wind_h2, results.pwr_h2_mean[key], color=self.h2c, yerr=yerr,
marker=self.h2ms, ls=self.h2ls, label='HAWC2', alpha=0.9)
yerr = results.pwr_h2_std[key].values
ax.errorbar(wind_h2, results.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=self.h2c,
yerr=yerr, marker=self.h2ms, ls=self.h2ls, label='HAWC2',
ax.plot(wind_hs, results.pwr_hs[key], label='HAWCStab2',
ax.plot(wind_hs, results.pwr_hs[key].values, label='HAWCStab2',
alpha=0.7, color=self.hsc, ls=self.hsls, marker=self.hsms)
ax.set_title('Power [kW]')
# relative errors on the right axes
......@@ -1222,12 +1244,13 @@ class Plots(object):
for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
label = 'HAWC2 %s' % (key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
yerr = results.pwr_h2_std[key]
yerr = results.pwr_h2_std[key].values
c = self.h2c
ax.errorbar(wind_h2, results.pwr_h2_mean[key], color=c, ls=ls,
# print(label)
ax.errorbar(wind_h2, results.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.h2ms)
# HAWCStab2
ax.plot(wind_hs, results.pwr_hs['T_aero'], color=self.hsc, alpha=0.7,
ax.plot(wind_hs, results.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values, color=self.hsc, alpha=0.7,
label='HAWCStab2 T$_{aero}$', marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls)
# relative errors on the right axes
axr = ax.twinx()
......@@ -1240,8 +1263,9 @@ class Plots(object):
axes = self.set_axes_label_grid(axes, setlegend=True)
# # use axr for the legend
# keys_tex = [kk.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$' for kk in keys]
# lines = [ax.lines[2]] + [ax.lines[5]] + [ax.lines[6]] + axr.lines
# labels = keys + ['HAWCStab2 T$_{aero}$', self.errlab]
# labels = keys_tex + ['HAWCStab2 T$_{aero}$', self.errlab]
# leg = axr.legend(lines, labels, loc='best')
# leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
......@@ -1263,11 +1287,11 @@ class Plots(object):
ax = axes[0]
key = 'P_aero'
yerr1 = res1.pwr_h2_std[key]
ax.errorbar(wind1, res1.pwr_h2_mean[key], color=self.h2c, yerr=yerr1,
yerr1 = res1.pwr_h2_std[key].values
ax.errorbar(wind1, res1.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=self.h2c, yerr=yerr1,
marker=self.h2ms, ls=self.h2ls, label=labels[0], alpha=0.9)
yerr2 = res2.pwr_h2_std[key]
ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key], color=self.hsc, yerr=yerr2,
ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=self.hsc, yerr=yerr2,
marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls, label=labels[1], alpha=0.7)
ax.set_title('Power [kW]')
# relative errors on the right axes
......@@ -1285,15 +1309,15 @@ class Plots(object):
lss = [self.h2ls, '--', ':']
for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
label = '%s %s' % (labels[0], key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
yerr = res1.pwr_h2_std[key]
yerr = res1.pwr_h2_std[key].values
c = self.h2c
ax.errorbar(wind1, res1.pwr_h2_mean[key], color=c, ls=ls,
ax.errorbar(wind1, res1.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.h2ms)
for key, ls in zip(keys, lss):
label = '%s %s' % (labels[1], key.replace('_', '$_{') + '}$')
yerr = res2.pwr_h2_std[key]
yerr = res2.pwr_h2_std[key].values
c = self.hsc
ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key], color=c, ls=ls,
ax.errorbar(wind2, res2.pwr_h2_mean[key].values, color=c, ls=ls,
label=label, alpha=0.9, yerr=yerr, marker=self.hsms)
# relative errors on the right axes
axr = ax.twinx()
......@@ -1328,9 +1352,9 @@ class Plots(object):
ax = axes[0]
key = 'P_aero'
ax.plot(wind1, res1.pwr_hs['P_aero'], label=labels[0],
ax.plot(wind1, res1.pwr_hs['P_aero'].values, label=labels[0],
alpha=0.9, color=self.h2c, ls=self.h2ls, marker=self.h2ms)
ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['P_aero'], label=labels[1],
ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['P_aero'].values, label=labels[1],
alpha=0.7, color=self.hsc, ls=self.hsls, marker=self.hsms)
ax.set_title('Power [kW]')
# relative errors on the right axes
......@@ -1345,9 +1369,9 @@ class Plots(object):
ax = axes[1]
ax.plot(wind1, res1.pwr_hs['T_aero'], color=self.h2c, alpha=0.9,
ax.plot(wind1, res1.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values, color=self.h2c, alpha=0.9,
label=labels[0], marker=self.h2ms, ls=self.h2ls)
ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['T_aero'], color=self.hsc, alpha=0.7,
ax.plot(wind2, res2.pwr_hs['T_aero'].values, color=self.hsc, alpha=0.7,
label=labels[1], marker=self.hsms, ls=self.hsls)
# relative errors on the right axes
axr = ax.twinx()
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