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Commit b0579257 authored by mads's avatar mads
Browse files + tests

parent f03723c4
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Created on 16/06/2014
@author: MMPE
from scipy.optimize.optimize import fmin
import numpy as np
def _z_u(z_u_lst):
z = np.array([z for z, _ in z_u_lst])
u = np.array([np.mean(np.array([u])[:]) for _, u in z_u_lst])
return z, u
def power_shear(alpha, z_ref, u_ref, z):
"""Power shear
alpha : int or float
The alpha shear parameter
z_ref : int or float
The reference height
z : int, float or array_like
The heights of interest
u_ref : int or float
The wind speed of the reference height
power_shear : array-like
Wind speeds at height z
>>> power_shear(.5, 70, [20,50,70], 9)
[ 4.81070235 7.60638829 9. ]
return u_ref * (np.array(z) / z_ref) ** alpha
def fit_power_shear(z_u_lst):
"""Estimate power shear parameter, alpha, from a mean wind of two heights
z_u_lst : [(z_ref, u_z_ref), (z1, u_z1),...]
- z_ref: Reference height\n
- u_z_ref: Wind speeds or mean wind speed at z_ref
- z1: another height
- u_z1: Wind speeds or mean wind speeds at z1
alpha : float
power shear parameter
>>> fit_power_shear([(85, 9.0), (21, 4.47118)])
z, u = _z_u(z_u_lst)
z_hub, u_hub = z[0], u[0]
alpha, _ = np.polyfit(np.log(z / z_hub), np.log(u / u_hub), 1)
return alpha
def fit_power_shear_ref(z_u_lst, z_ref):
"""Estimate power shear parameter, alpha, for specified reference height
z_u_lst : [(z1, u_z1), (z2, u_z2),...]
- z1: Some height
- z1_ref: Wind speeds or mean wind speed at z1
- z2: another height
- u_z2: Wind speeds or mean wind speeds at z1
z_ref : float or int
Reference height
alpha : float
power shear parameter
u_ref : float
Wind speed at reference height
>>> fit_power_shear_ref([(85, 8.88131), (21, 4.41832)], 87.13333)
[ 0.49938238 8.99192568]
def shear_error(x, z_u_lst, z_ref):
alpha, u_ref = x
return np.sum([(np.mean(u) - u_ref * (z / z_ref) ** alpha) ** 2 for z, u in z_u_lst])
return fmin(shear_error, (.5, 10), (z_u_lst, z_ref), disp=False)
def log_shear(u_star, z0, z, Obukhov_length=None):
"""logarithmic shear
u_star : int or float
Friction velocity
z0 : int or float
Surface roughness [m]
z : int, float or array_like
The heights of interest
log_shear : array-like
Wind speeds at height z
>>> log_shear(1, 10, [20, 50, 70])
[ 1.73286795 4.02359478 4.86477537]
K = 0.4 # von Karmans constant
if Obukhov_length is None:
return u_star / K * (np.log(np.array(z) / z0))
return u_star / K * (np.log(z / z0) - stability_term(z, z0, Obukhov_length))
def stability_term(z, z0, L):
"""Calculate the stability term for the log shear
Not validated!!!
zL = z / L
phi_us = lambda zL : (1 + 16 * np.abs(zL)) ** (-1 / 4) #unstable
phi_s = lambda zL : 1 + 5 * zL # stable
phi = np.zeros_like(zL) + np.nan
for m, f in [(((-2 <= zL) & (zL <= 0)), phi_us), (((0 < zL) & (zL <= 1)), phi_s)]:
phi[m] = f(zL[m])
f = L / z * (1 - phi)
psi = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, (f[1:] + f[:-1]) / 2 * np.diff(z / L)])
return psi
def fit_log_shear(z_u_lst):
"""Estimate log shear parameter, u_star and z0
z_u_lst : [(z1, u_z1), (z2, u_z2),...]
- z1: Some height
- z1_ref: Wind speeds or mean wind speed at z1
- z2: another height
- u_z2: Wind speeds or mean wind speeds at z1
u_star : float
friction velocity
z0 : float
Surface roughness [m]
>>> fit_log_shear([(85, 8.88131), (21, 4.41832)], 87.13333)
[ 0.49938238 8.99192568]
def shear_error(x, z_u_lst):
u_star, z0 = x
return np.sum([(np.mean(u) - log_shear(u_star, z0, z)) ** 2 for z, u in z_u_lst])
return fmin(shear_error, (1, 1), (z_u_lst,), disp=False)
Created on 05/06/2012
@author: Mads
import os
from wetb.functions.geometry import xyz2uvw
import wetb.gtsdf
from wetb.wind.shear import power_shear, fit_power_shear, fit_power_shear_ref, \
log_shear, fit_log_shear, stability_term
from pylab import *
import unittest
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
all = True
class TestMannTurbulence(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.testfilepath = "test_files/"
Sensor list of hdf5 files
0: WSP gl. coo.,Abs_vhor 85
1: WSP gl. coo.,Vdir_hor 85
2: WSP gl. coo.,Abs_vhor 53
3: WSP gl. coo.,Vdir_hor 53
4: WSP gl. coo.,Abs_vhor 21
5: WSP gl. coo.,Vdir_hor 21
6: WSP gl. coo.,Vx 85
7: WSP gl. coo.,Vy 85
8: WSP gl. coo.,Vz 85
9: WSP gl. coo.,Vx 53
10: WSP gl. coo.,Vy 53
11: WSP gl. coo.,Vz 53
12: WSP gl. coo.,Vx 21
13: WSP gl. coo.,Vy 21
14: WSP gl. coo.,Vz 21
def test_power_shear(self):
if all:
_, data, _ = wetb.gtsdf.load(self.testfilepath + 'wind3.hdf5')
u20 = data[:, 4]
u70 = data[:, 6]
z_u_lst1 = [(70, u70), (20, u20)]
z_u_lst2 = [ (80, 6.93121004105), (100, 7.09558010101), (60, 6.58919000626), (40, 6.12744998932)]
alpha = fit_power_shear(z_u_lst2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(alpha, 0.163432280539)
if 0:
z = np.arange(10, 100)
plt.plot([np.mean(u20), np.mean(u70)], [20, 70], 'bo')
alpha = fit_power_shear(z_u_lst1)
plt.plot(power_shear(alpha, 70, z, np.mean(u70)), z, 'b')
z, u = np.array(z_u_lst2).T
plt.plot(u, z, 'ro')
alpha = fit_power_shear(z_u_lst2)
z = np.sort(z)
plt.plot(power_shear(alpha, 80, z, 6.9), z, 'r')
def test_fit_power_shear1(self):
time, data, info = wetb.gtsdf.load(self.testfilepath + 'shear_noturb_85.hdf5') #shear, alpha = 0.5
wsp85 = data[:, 0]
wsp53 = data[:, 2]
wsp21 = data[:, 4]
u85 = data[:, 7]
u21 = data[:, 13]
self.assertAlmostEqual(fit_power_shear([(85, wsp85), (53, wsp53), (21, wsp21)]), 0.5, delta=0.001)
self.assertAlmostEqual(fit_power_shear([(85, wsp85), (21, wsp21)]), 0.5, delta=0.001)
self.assertAlmostEqual(fit_power_shear([(85, u85), (21, u21)]), 0.5, delta=0.001)
def test_fit_power_shear_ref(self):
time, data, info = wetb.gtsdf.load(self.testfilepath + 'shear_noturb.hdf5') #shear, alpha = 0.5
wsp85 = data[:, 0]
wsp53 = data[:, 2]
wsp21 = data[:, 4]
alpha, u_ref = fit_power_shear_ref([(85, wsp85), (21, wsp21)], 87.13333)
self.assertAlmostEqual(alpha, .5, delta=.001)
self.assertAlmostEqual(u_ref, 9, delta=.01)
alpha, u_ref = fit_power_shear_ref([(85, wsp85), (53, wsp53), (21, wsp21)], 87.13333)
self.assertAlmostEqual(alpha, .5, delta=.001)
self.assertAlmostEqual(u_ref, 9, delta=.01)
def test_fit_power_shear3(self):
time, data, info = wetb.gtsdf.load(self.testfilepath + 'shear.hdf5') #shear, alpha = 0.5
#print "\n".join(["%d: %s" % (i, n) for i, n in enumerate(info['attribute_names'])])
0: WSP gl. coo.,Abs_vhor 85
1: WSP gl. coo.,Vdir_hor 85
2: WSP gl. coo.,Abs_vhor 53
3: WSP gl. coo.,Vdir_hor 53
4: WSP gl. coo.,Abs_vhor 21
5: WSP gl. coo.,Vdir_hor 21
6: WSP gl. coo.,Vx 85
7: WSP gl. coo.,Vy 85
8: WSP gl. coo.,Vz 85
9: WSP gl. coo.,Vx 53
10: WSP gl. coo.,Vy 53
11: WSP gl. coo.,Vz 53
12: WSP gl. coo.,Vx 21
13: WSP gl. coo.,Vy 21
14: WSP gl. coo.,Vz 21
wsp85 = data[:, 0]
wsp53 = data[:, 2]
wsp21 = data[:, 4]
u85 = data[:, 7]
u21 = data[:, 13]
alpha, u_ref = fit_power_shear_ref([(85, wsp85), (21, wsp21)], 87.13333)
self.assertAlmostEqual(alpha, .5, delta=.2)
self.assertAlmostEqual(u_ref, 9, delta=.01)
def test_log_shear(self):
u = log_shear(2, 3, 9)
self.assertAlmostEqual(u, 5.49306144)
def test_fit_log_shear(self):
zu = [(85, 8.88131), (21, 4.41832)]
u_star, z0 = fit_log_shear(zu)
if 0:
for z, u in zu:
plt.plot(u, z, 'r.')
z = np.arange(10, 100)
for _zu, b in zip(zu, log_shear(u_star, z0, [85, 21])):
self.assertAlmostEqual(_zu[1], b, 4)
def test_show_log_shear(self):
if 0:
for ustar in [1, 2]:
for z0 in [1, 10]:
z = np.arange(z0, 200)
plot(log_shear(ustar, z0, z), z, label="z0=%d, u*=%d" % (z0, ustar))
def test_show_log_shear_stability(self):
if 0:
z0 = 1
ustar = 1
z = np.arange(z0, 200)
for L in [-2000, -100, 100, 2000]:
plot(log_shear(ustar, z0, z, L), z, label="L=%d" % (L))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#import sys;sys.argv = ['', 'Test.testName']
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