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hawc2.st_file: add a plotting method for st files using stiffness

David Verelst requested to merge dave/WindEnergyToolbox:master into master

Hej @mmpe,

What do you think from a default plotting method for st files that plots stiffness (like EI_x, EI_y, k_xGA, etc) and mass moment of inertia (mri_x)? An alternative plotting method would to take each entry in the st file separately and plot it.

I've also split up some very long lines :-) I know you they work fine for you, but I really like to keep lines to 79/80 characters max. If you don't like it can revert it.

I am also using this as a test for the merge request workflow. I am confused with the tests though, it seems they do not run for this fork. I'll have to look into this.

Here's an example:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fname = 'wetb/hawc2/tests/test_files/data/DTU_10MW_RWT_Blade_st.dat'
st = st_file.StFile(fname)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=2, figsize=(12,8))
axes = st.plot(axes, latex=True)

Merge request reports