Forked from
toolbox / WindEnergyToolbox
309 commits behind the upstream repository.
David Verelst authoredDavid Verelst authored 34.19 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Aug 8 10:22:49 2016
@author: dave
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import dict
from io import open
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import str
from builtins import int
from future import standard_library
from builtins import object
# standard python library
import os
import zipfile
import copy
import tarfile
import glob
import shutil
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#from tqdm import tqdm
from wetb.prepost.Simulations import Cases
def create_chunks_htc_pbs(cases, sort_by_values=['[Windspeed]'], ppn=20, i0=0,
nr_procs_series=9, queue='workq', pyenv='wetb_py3',
walltime='24:00:00', chunks_dir='zip-chunks-jess',
compress=False, wine_64bit=False):
"""Group a large number of simulations htc and pbs launch scripts into
different zip files so we can run them with find+xargs on various nodes.
def chunker(seq, size):
# for DataFrames you can also use groupby, as taken from:
# for k,g in df.groupby(np.arange(len(df))//10)
# but this approach is faster, see also:
return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in range(0, len(seq), size))
def make_zip_chunks(df, ii, sim_id, run_dir, model_zip):
"""Create zip cunks and also create an index
# create a new zip file, give index of the first element. THis is
# quasi random due to the sorting we applied earlier
# ii = df.index[0]
rpl = (sim_id, ii)
fname = os.path.join(run_dir, chunks_dir, '%s_chnk_%05i' % rpl)
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fname+'.zip', 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
# start with appending the base model zip file
fname_model = os.path.join(run_dir, model_zip)
with zipfile.ZipFile(fname_model, 'r') as zf_model:
for n in zf_model.namelist():
# create all necessary directories in the zip file
dirtags = ['[htc_dir]', '[res_dir]','[log_dir]','[animation_dir]',
'[pbs_in_dir]', '[eigenfreq_dir]','[turb_dir]','[wake_dir]',
'[meander_dir]','[hydro_dir]', '[mooring_dir]',
'[pbs_in_dir]', '[pbs_out_dir]']
dirnames = []
for tag in dirtags:
for dirname in set(df[tag].unique().tolist()):
if not dirname or dirname.lower() not in ['false', 'none', 0]:
for dirname in set(dirnames):
if dirname != 0:
zf.write('.', os.path.join(dirname, '.'))
# and the post-processing data
# FIXME: do not use hard coded paths!
zf.write('.', 'prepost-data/')
# HTC files
df_src = df['[run_dir]'] + df['[htc_dir]'] + df['[case_id]']
df_dst = df['[htc_dir]'] + df['[case_id]']
# create an index so given the htc file, we can find the chunk nr
df_index = pd.DataFrame(index=df['[case_id]'].copy(),
columns=['chnk_nr', 'name'])
df_index['chnk_nr'] = ii
df_index['name'] = os.path.join(chunks_dir, '%s_chnk_%05i' % rpl)
# Since df_src and df_dst are already Series, iterating is fast an it
# is slower to first convert to a list
for src, dst_rel in zip(df_src, df_dst):
zf.write(src+'.htc', dst_rel+'.htc')
# PBS files
df_src = df['[run_dir]'] + df['[pbs_in_dir]'] + df['[case_id]']
df_dst = df['[pbs_in_dir]'] + df['[case_id]']
# Since df_src and df_dst are already Series, iterating is fast an it
# is slower to first convert to a list
for src, dst_rel in zip(df_src, df_dst):
zf.write(src+'.p', dst_rel+'.p')
# copy and rename input files with given versioned name to the
# all files that will have to be renamed to their non-changeable
# default file name.
# this is a bit more tricky since unique() will not work on list items
copyto_files_tmp = df['[copyto_files]'].astype(str)
copyto_files = []
# cycle through the unique elements
for k in set(copyto_files_tmp):
# k is of form: "['some/file.txt', 'another/file1.txt']"
if len(k) < 2:
items = [kk[1:-1] for kk in k.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(', ')]
# we might still have non unique elements
copyto_files = set(copyto_files)
for copyto_file, dst_rel in zip(copyto_files, df_dst):
src = os.path.join(run_dir, copyto_file)
# make dir if it does not exist
zf.write('.', os.path.dirname(copyto_file), '.')
zf.write(src, copyto_file)
return fname, df_index
pbs_tmplate = "\n"
pbs_tmplate += "### Standard Output\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -N [job_name]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -o [std_out]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "### Standard Error\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -e [std_err]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -W umask=[umask]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -l walltime=[walltime]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -l nodes=[nodes]:ppn=[ppn]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "### Queue name\n"
pbs_tmplate += "#PBS -q [queue]\n"
pbs_tmplate += "\n"
# this causes troubles on CI runner for the tests (line endings?)
# pbs_tmplate = """
# ### Standard Output
# #PBS -N [job_name]
# #PBS -o [std_out]
# ### Standard Error
# #PBS -e [std_err]
# #PBS -W umask=[umask]
# ### Maximum wallclock time format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS
# #PBS -l walltime=[walltime]
# #PBS -l nodes=[nodes]:ppn=[ppn]
# ### Queue name
# #PBS -q [queue]
# """
def make_pbs_chunks(df, ii, sim_id, run_dir, model_zip, compress=False,
"""Create a PBS that:
* copies all required files (zip chunk) to scratch disk
* copies all required turbulence files to scratch disk
* runs everything with find+xargs
* copies back what's need to mimer
# ii = df.index[0]
cmd_find = '/home/MET/sysalt/bin/find'
cmd_xargs = '/home/MET/sysalt/bin/xargs'
jobid = '%s_chnk_%05i' % (sim_id, ii)
wineparam = ('win32', '~/.wine32')
if wine_64bit:
wineparam = ('win64', '~/.wine')
pbase = os.path.join('/scratch','$USER', '$PBS_JOBID', '')
post_dir_base = post_dir.split(sim_id)[1]
if post_dir_base[0] == os.path.sep:
post_dir_base = post_dir_base[1:]
# FIXME: commonpath was only added in Python 3.5, but CI runner is old
compath = os.path.commonpath
except AttributeError:
compath = os.path.commonprefix
pbs_in_base = compath(df['[pbs_in_dir]'].unique().tolist())
pbs_in_base = os.path.join(pbs_in_base, '')
htc_base = compath(df['[htc_dir]'].unique().tolist())
htc_base = os.path.join(htc_base, '')
res_base = compath(df['[res_dir]'].unique().tolist())
res_base = os.path.join(res_base, '')
log_base = compath(df['[log_dir]'].unique().tolist())
log_base = os.path.join(log_base, '')
# =====================================================================
pbs = copy.copy(pbs_tmplate)
pbs = pbs.replace('[job_name]', jobid)
pbs = pbs.replace('[std_out]', './pbs_out_chunks/%s.out' % jobid)
pbs = pbs.replace('[std_err]', './pbs_out_chunks/%s.err' % jobid)
pbs = pbs.replace('[umask]', '0003')
pbs = pbs.replace('[walltime]', walltime)
pbs = pbs.replace('[nodes]', str(nodes))
pbs = pbs.replace('[ppn]', str(ppn))
pbs = pbs.replace('[queue]', queue)
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
# =====================================================================
# activate the python environment
if pyenv is not None:
pbs += 'echo "activate python environment %s"\n' % pyenv
pbs += 'source /home/python/miniconda3/bin/activate %s\n' % pyenv
# sometimes activating an environment fails due to a FileExistsError
# is this because it is activated at the same time on another node?
# check twice if the environment got activated for real
pbs += 'echo "CHECK 2x IF %s IS ACTIVE, IF NOT TRY AGAIN"\n' % pyenv
pbs += 'CMD=\"from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;'
pbs += 'print (get_python_lib().find(\'%s\'))"\n' % pyenv
pbs += 'ACTIVATED=`python -c "$CMD"`\n'
pbs += 'if [ $ACTIVATED -eq -1 ]; then source activate %s;fi\n' % pyenv
pbs += 'ACTIVATED=`python -c "$CMD"`\n'
pbs += 'if [ $ACTIVATED -eq -1 ]; then source activate %s;fi\n' % pyenv
# =====================================================================
# create all necessary directories at CPU_NR dirs
# browse to scratch directory
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % pbase
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n\n'
pbs += 'echo "create CPU directories on the scratch disk"\n'
pbs += 'mkdir -p %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, '')
for k in range(ppn):
pbs += 'mkdir -p %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, '%i' % k, '')
# =====================================================================
# get the zip-chunk file from the PBS_O_WORKDIR
pbs += '\n'
pbs += 'echo "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n'
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "get the zip-chunk file from the PBS_O_WORKDIR"\n'
# copy the relevant zip chunk file to the scratch main directory
rpl = (os.path.join('./', chunks_dir, jobid), os.path.join(pbase, ''))
pbs += 'cp %s\n' % rpl
# =====================================================================
# unzip to all cpu dirs
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % pbase
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "unzip chunk, create dirs in cpu and sim_id folders"\n'
# unzip chunk, this contains all relevant folders already, and also
# contains files defined in [copyto_files]
for k in list(range(ppn)) + [sim_id]:
dst = os.path.join('%s' % k, '.')
pbs += '/usr/bin/unzip %s -d %s >> /dev/null\n' % (jobid+'.zip', dst)
# =====================================================================
# create all turb_db directories
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, '')
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "create turb_db directories"\n'
turb_db_tags = ['[turb_db_dir]', '[meand_db_dir]', '[wake_db_dir]']
turb_db_dirs = []
for tag in turb_db_tags:
for dirname in set(df[tag].unique().tolist()):
dirname_s = str(dirname).replace('.', '').replace('/', '')
if dirname_s.lower() not in ['false', 'none', '0']:
turb_db_dirs = set(turb_db_dirs)
# create all turb dirs
for dirname in turb_db_dirs:
pbs += 'mkdir -p %s\n' % os.path.join(dirname, '')
# =====================================================================
# copy required turbulence from db_dir to scratch/db_dirs
# turb_db_dir might not be set, same for turb_base_name, for those
# cases we do not need to copy anything from the database to the node
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n'
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
base_name_tags = ['[turb_base_name]', '[meand_base_name]',
for db, base_name in zip(turb_db_tags, base_name_tags):
turb_db_dirs = df[db] + df[base_name]
# When set to None, the DataFrame will have text as None
# FIXME: CI runner has and old pandas version
turb_db_src = turb_db_dirs[turb_db_dirs.str.find('None')==-1]
except AttributeError:
turb_db_src = turb_db_dirs[turb_db_dirs.str.findall('None')==-1]
pbs += '\n'
pbs += '# copy to scratch db directory for %s, %s\n' % (db, base_name)
for k in turb_db_src.unique():
dst = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, k))
pbs += 'cp %s* %s\n' % (k, os.path.join(dst, '.'))
# =====================================================================
# to be safe, create all turb dirs in the cpu dirs
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, '')
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "create turb directories in CPU dirs"\n'
turb_dir_tags = ['[turb_dir]', '[meand_dir]', '[wake_dir]']
turb_dirs = []
for tag in turb_dir_tags:
for dirname in set(df[tag].unique().tolist()):
dirname_s = str(dirname).replace('.', '').replace('/', '')
if dirname_s.lower() not in ['false', 'none', '0']:
turb_dirs = set(turb_dirs)
for k in list(range(ppn)):
for dirname in turb_dirs:
pbs += 'mkdir -p %s\n' % os.path.join(str(k), dirname, '')
# =====================================================================
# symlink everything from the turb_db_dir to the cpu/turb_dir
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, '')
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "Link all turb files into CPU dirs"\n'
for db_dir, turb_dir in zip(turb_db_tags, turb_dir_tags):
# FIXME: this needs to be written nicer. We should be able to
# select from df non-defined values so we can exclude them
# now it seems they are either None, False or 0 in either
# boolean, str or int formats
nogo = ['false', 'none', '0']
symlink_dirs = df[db_dir] + '_*_'
symlink_dirs = symlink_dirs + df[turb_dir]
for symlink in symlink_dirs.unique().tolist():
db_dir, turb_dir = symlink.split('_*_')
db_dir_s = db_dir.replace('.', '').replace('/', '').lower()
turb_dir_s = turb_dir.replace('.', '').replace('/', '').lower()
if db_dir_s in nogo or turb_dir_s in nogo:
db_dir_abs = os.path.join(pbase, db_dir, '')
for k in list(range(ppn)):
turb_dir_abs = os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, str(k),
turb_dir, '')
rpl = (db_dir_abs, turb_dir_abs)
pbs += 'find %s -iname "*.bin" -exec ln -s {} %s \\;\n' % rpl
# copy all from scratch/turb_db to cpu/turb
# turb_dir_base = os.path.join(compath(list(turb_dirs)), '')
# pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
# pbs += 'cd %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, sim_id, '')
# pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
# pbs += 'pwd\n'
# pbs += 'echo "Link all turb files into CPU dirs"\n'
# for k in range(ppn):
# rpl = (os.path.relpath(os.path.join(sim_id, turb_dir_base)), k)
# pbs += 'find %s -iname "*.bin" -exec cp {} %s/{} \\;\n' % rpl
# =====================================================================
# finally we can run find+xargs!!!
pbs += '\n'
pbs += 'echo "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % pbase
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "START RUNNING JOBS IN find+xargs MODE"\n'
pbs += 'WINEARCH=%s WINEPREFIX=%s winefix\n' % wineparam
pbs += '# run all the PBS *.p files in find+xargs mode\n'
pbs += 'echo "following cases will be run from following path:"\n'
pbs += 'echo "%s"\n' % (os.path.join(sim_id, pbs_in_base))
pbs += 'export LAUNCH_PBS_MODE=false\n'
rpl = (cmd_find, os.path.join(sim_id, pbs_in_base))
pbs += "%s %s -type f -name '*.p' | sort -z\n" % rpl
pbs += '\n'
pbs += 'echo "number of files to be launched: "'
pbs += '`find %s -type f | wc -l`\n' % os.path.join(sim_id, pbs_in_base)
rpl = (cmd_find, os.path.join(sim_id, pbs_in_base), cmd_xargs, ppn)
cmd = ("%s %s -type f -name '*.p' -print0 | sort -z | %s -0 -I{} "
"--process-slot-var=CPU_NR -n 1 -P %i sh {}\n" % rpl)
pbs += cmd
pbs += 'echo "END OF JOBS IN find+xargs MODE"\n'
# =====================================================================
# move results back from the node sim_id dir to the origin
pbs += '\n'
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += "echo 'total scratch disk usage:'\n"
pbs += 'du -hs %s\n' % pbase
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % os.path.join(pbase, sim_id)
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "Results saved at sim_id directory:"\n'
rpl = (os.path.join(pbs_in_base, '*'), os.path.join(htc_base, '*'))
pbs += 'find \n'
if compress:
# compress all result files into an archive, first *.sel files
# FIXME: why doesn this work with -name "*.sel" -o -name "*.dat"??
pbs += '\necho "move results into compressed archive"\n'
pbs += 'find %s -name "*.sel" -print0 ' % res_base
fname = os.path.join(res_base, 'resfiles_chnk_%05i' % ii)
pbs += '| xargs -0 tar --remove-files -rf %s.tar\n' % fname
# now add the *.dat files to the archive
pbs += 'find %s -name "*.dat" -print0 ' % res_base
fname = os.path.join(res_base, 'resfiles_chnk_%05i' % ii)
pbs += '| xargs -0 tar --remove-files -rf %s.tar\n' % fname
pbs += 'xz -z2 -T %i %s.tar\n' % (ppn, fname)
# compress all logfiles into an archive
pbs += '\necho "move logfiles into compressed archive"\n'
pbs += 'find %s -name "*.log" -print0 ' % log_base
fname = os.path.join(log_base, 'logfiles_chnk_%05i' % ii)
pbs += '| xargs -0 tar --remove-files -rf %s.tar\n' % fname
pbs += 'xz -z2 -T %i %s.tar\n' % (ppn, fname)
# compress all post-processing results (saved as csv's) into an archive
pbs += '\necho "move statsdel into compressed archive"\n'
pbs += 'find %s -name "*.csv" -print0 ' % res_base
fname = os.path.join(post_dir_base, 'statsdel_chnk_%05i' % ii)
pbs += '| xargs -0 tar --remove-files -rf %s.tar\n' % fname
pbs += 'xz -z2 -T %i %s.tar\n' % (ppn, fname)
# compress all post-processing results (saved as csv's) into an archive
pbs += '\necho "move log analysis into compressed archive"\n'
pbs += 'find %s -name "*.csv" -print0 ' % log_base
fname = os.path.join(post_dir_base, 'loganalysis_chnk_%05i' % ii)
pbs += '| xargs -0 tar --remove-files -rf %s.tar\n' % fname
pbs += 'xz -z2 -T %i %s.tar\n' % (ppn, fname)
pbs += '\n'
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += 'cd %s\n' % pbase
pbs += "echo 'current working directory:'\n"
pbs += 'pwd\n'
pbs += 'echo "move results back from node scratch/sim_id to origin, '
pbs += 'but ignore htc, and pbs_in directories."\n'
tmp = os.path.join(sim_id, '*')
pbs += 'echo "copy from %s to $PBS_O_WORKDIR/"\n' % tmp
pbs += 'time rsync -au --remove-source-files %s $PBS_O_WORKDIR/ \\\n' % tmp
pbs += ' --exclude %s \\\n' % os.path.join(pbs_in_base, '*')
pbs += ' --exclude *.htc \n'
# when using -u, htc and pbs_in files should be ignored
# pbs += 'time cp -ru %s $PBS_O_WORKDIR/\n' % tmp
if pyenv is not None:
pbs += 'source deactivate\n'
pbs += 'echo "DONE !!"\n'
pbs += '\necho "%s"\n' % ('-'*70)
pbs += '# in case wine has crashed, kill any remaining wine servers\n'
pbs += '# caution: ALL the users wineservers will die on this node!\n'
pbs += 'echo "following wineservers are still running:"\n'
pbs += 'ps -u $USER -U $USER | grep wineserver\n'
pbs += 'killall -u $USER wineserver\n'
pbs += 'exit\n'
rpl = (sim_id, ii)
fname = os.path.join(run_dir, chunks_dir, '%s_chnk_%05i' % rpl)
with open(fname+'.p', 'w') as f:
def make_pbs_postpro_chunks():
"""When only the post-processing has to be re-done for a chunk.
cc = Cases(cases)
df = cc.cases2df()
# sort on the specified values in the given columns
# FIXME: sort_values was only added in Pandas 0.17, but CI runner is old
df.sort_values(by=sort_by_values, inplace=True)
except AttributeError:
df.sort(columns=sort_by_values, inplace=True)
# create the directory to store all zipped chunks
os.mkdir(os.path.join(df['[run_dir]'].iloc[0], chunks_dir))
# FIXME: how do you make this work pythonically on both PY2 and PY3?
except (FileExistsError, OSError):
fpath = os.path.join(df['[run_dir]'].iloc[0], 'pbs_out_chunks')
if not os.path.exists(fpath):
df_iter = chunker(df, nr_procs_series*ppn)
sim_id = df['[sim_id]'].iloc[0]
run_dir = df['[run_dir]'].iloc[0]
model_zip = df['[model_zip]'].iloc[0]
post_dir = df['[post_dir]'].iloc[0]
nodes = 1
df_ind = pd.DataFrame(columns=['chnk_nr'], dtype=np.int32) = '[case_id]'
for ii, dfi in enumerate(df_iter):
fname, ind = make_zip_chunks(dfi, i0+ii, sim_id, run_dir, model_zip)
make_pbs_chunks(dfi, i0+ii, sim_id, run_dir, model_zip,
compress=compress, wine_64bit=wine_64bit)
df_ind = df_ind.append(ind)
fname = os.path.join(post_dir, 'case_id-chunk-index')
df_ind['chnk_nr'] = df_ind['chnk_nr'].astype(np.int32)
df_ind.to_hdf(fname+'.h5', 'table', compression=9, complib='zlib')
def regroup_tarfiles(cc):
"""Re-group all chunks again per [Case folder] compressed file. First all
chunks are copied to the node scratch disc, then start working on them.
This only works on a node with PBS stuff.
Make sure to maintain the same location as defined by the tags!
[res_dir] and [Case folder] could be multiple directories deep, bu the
final archive will only contain the files (no directory structure), and
the name of the archive is that of the last directory:
/[res_dir]/[Case folder]/[Case folder].tar.xz
path_pattern : str
USER = os.getenv('USER')
PBS_JOBID = os.getenv('PBS_JOBID')
scratch = os.path.join('/scratch', USER, PBS_JOBID)
src = os.getenv('PBS_O_WORKDIR')
path_pattern = '/home/dave/SimResults/NREL5MW/D0022/prepost-data/*.xz'
for ffname in tqdm(glob.glob(path_pattern)):
appendix = os.path.basename(ffname).split('_')[0]
with, mode='r:xz') as tar:
# create new tar files if necessary for each [Case folder]
for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
t2_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(
t2_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path_pattern), t2_name)
if not os.path.isdir(t2_dir):
t2_path = os.path.join(t2_dir, t2_name + '_%s.tar' % appendix)
fileobj = tar.extractfile(tarinfo)
# change the location of the file in the new archive:
# the location of the archive is according to the folder
# structure as defined in the tags, remove any subfolders = os.basename(
with, mode='a') as t2:
t2.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj)
def merge_from_tarfiles(df_fname, path, pattern, tarmode='r:xz', tqdm=False,
header='infer', names=None, sep=',', min_itemsize={},
verbose=False, dtypes={}):
"""Merge all csv files from various tar archives into a big pd.DataFrame
df_fname : str
file name of the pd.DataFrame h5 store in which all chunks will be
merged. Names usually used are:
* [sim_id]_ErrorLogs.h5
* [sim_id]_statistics.h5
path : str
Directory in which all chunks are located.
pattern : str
Search pattern used to select (using glob.glob) files in path
tarmode : str, default='r:xz'
File opening mode for tarfile (used when opening each of the chunks).
tqdm : boolean, default=False
If True, an interactive progress bar will be displayed (requires the
tqdm module). If set to False no progress bar will be displayed.
header : int, default='infer'
Argument passed on to pandas.read_csv. Default to 'infer', set to
None if there is no header, set to 0 if header is on first row.
names : list of column names, default=None
Argument passed on to pandas.read_csv. Default to None. List with
column names to be used in the DataFrame.
min_itemsize : dict, default={}
Argument passed on to pandas.HDFStore.append. Set the minimum lenght
for a given column in the DataFrame.
sep : str, default=','
Argument passed on to pandas.read_csv. Set to ';' when handling the
store = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join(path, df_fname), mode='w', format='table',
complevel=9, complib='zlib')
if tqdm:
from tqdm import tqdm
def tqdm(itereable):
return itereable
for tar_fname in tqdm(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, pattern))):
if verbose:
with, mode=tarmode) as tar:
df = pd.DataFrame()
for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
fileobj = tar.extractfile(tarinfo)
tmp = pd.read_csv(fileobj, header=header, names=names, sep=sep)
for col, dtype in dtypes.items():
tmp[col] = tmp[col].astype(dtype)
df = df.append(tmp)
if verbose:
store.append('table', df, min_itemsize=min_itemsize)
except Exception as e:
if verbose:
print('store columns:')
print('table', start=0, stop=0).columns)
print('columns of the DataFrame being added:')
storecols ='table', start=0, stop=0).columns
return df, storecols
# TODO: make this class more general so you can also just give a list of files
# to be merged, excluding the tar archives.
class AppendDataFrames(object):
"""Merge DataFrames, either in h5 or csv format, located in (compressed)
tar archives.
def __init__(self, tqdm=False):
if tqdm:
from tqdm import tqdm
def tqdm(itereable):
return itereable
self.tqdm = tqdm
def _open(self, fname, tarmode='r:xz'):
"""Open text file directly or from a tar archive. Return iterable
since a tar archive might contain several csv text files
if fname.find('.tar') > -1:
with, mode=tarmode) as tar:
for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
linesb = tar.extractfile(tarinfo).readlines()
# convert from bytes to strings
lines = [line.decode() for line in linesb]
yield lines,
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
yield lines, os.path.basename(fname)
def df2store(self, store, path, tarmode='r:xz', min_itemsize={},
colnames=None, header='infer', columns=None, sep=';',
index2col=None, ignore_index=True, fname_col=False):
"""This is very slow, use txt2txt instead.
# TODO: it seems that with threading you could parallelize this kind
# of work:
# multithreaded-web-scraper-to-store-values-to-pandas-dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
for fname in self.tqdm(glob.glob(path)):
with, mode=tarmode) as tar:
df = pd.DataFrame()
for tarinfo in tar.getmembers():
fileobj = tar.extractfile(tarinfo)
if[-2:] == 'h5':
tmp = pd.read_hdf(fileobj, 'table', columns=columns)
elif[-3:] == 'csv':
tmp = pd.read_csv(fileobj, sep=sep, names=colnames,
header=header, usecols=columns)
if index2col is not None:
# if the index does not have a name we can still set it
tmp[index2col] = tmp.index
tmp[index2col] = tmp[index2col].astype(str)
tmp.reset_index(level=0, drop=True, inplace=True)
# add the file name as a column
if fname_col:
case_id = os.path.basename(
tmp[fname_col] = '.'.join(case_id.split('.')[:-1])
tmp[fname_col] = tmp[fname_col].astype(str)
df = df.append(tmp, ignore_index=ignore_index)
store.append('table', df, min_itemsize=min_itemsize)
# if len(df) > w_every:
# # and merge into the big ass DataFrame
# store.append('table', df, min_itemsize=min_itemsize)
# df = pd.DataFrame()
return store
# FIXME: when merging log file analysis (files with header), we are still
# skipping over one case
def txt2txt(self, fjoined, path, tarmode='r:xz', header=None, sep=';',
fname_col=False, header_fjoined=None, recursive=False):
"""Read as strings, write to another file as strings.
header : int, default=None
Indicate if data files contain a header and on which line it is
located. Set to None if data files do not contain header, and in
that case the joined file will not contain a header either. All
lines above the header are ignored.
header_fjoined : str, default=None
If the data files do not contain a header write out header_fjoined
as the header of the joined file.
if isinstance(header, int):
write_header = True
icut = header + 1
# when header is None, there is no header
icut = 0
write_header = False
if isinstance(header_fjoined, str):
write_header = True
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) as ft:
ftname =
for fname in self.tqdm(glob.glob(path, recursive=recursive)):
for lines, case_id in self._open(fname, tarmode=tarmode):
# only include the header at the first round
if write_header:
if header_fjoined is None:
header_fjoined = lines[header]
# add extra column with the file name if applicable
if fname_col:
rpl = sep + fname_col + '\n'
header_fjoined = header_fjoined.replace('\n', rpl)
write_header = False
# but cut out the header on all other occurances
case_id = '.'.join(case_id.split('.')[:-1])
for line in lines[icut:]:
if fname_col:
line = line.replace('\n', sep + case_id + '\n')
# and move from temp dir to fjoined
shutil.move(ftname, fjoined)
def csv2df_chunks(self, store, fcsv, chunksize=100000, min_itemsize={},
colnames=None, dtypes={}, header='infer', sep=';'):
"""Convert a large csv file to a pandas.DataFrame in chunks using
a pandas.HDFStore.
df_iter = pd.read_csv(fcsv, chunksize=chunksize, sep=sep,
names=colnames, header=header)
for df_chunk in self.tqdm(df_iter):
for col, dtype in dtypes.items():
df_chunk[col] = df_chunk[col].astype(dtype)
store.append('table', df_chunk, min_itemsize=min_itemsize)
return store
if __name__ == '__main__':