Frederik Zahle authoredFrederik Zahle authored
README.md 718 B
is a Python wrapper for the 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes flow solvers
EllipSys2D and EllipSys3D.
EllipSys2D and EllipSys3D are a licensed software, and not included in this repository, and therefore needs to be installed separately. To gain access to this code contact the main developer Niels N. Sørensen (nsqr@dtu.dk).
To install the wrapper simply execute the command:
$ python setup.py develop
To test that this module has been installed correctly run the tests:
$ nosetests .
from the repository root directory, or if you don't have nose
$ cd ellipsyswrapper/test
$ python -m unittest discover '.' 'test_*.py'